chapter 15

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It was the end of school. The younger siblings had gotten home whilst Mason, Damon and Alesandro were still at work.

Lexi reluctantly went and got started on her chores, Damon had given her a list of stuff Mary does after lecturing her about how doing this will make her more appreciative.

She wasn't happy at all.

1.Clean the hallways including upstairs
2.Change the bedding- the laundry had been done this morning as they each were responsible for putting their own laundry in the wash so all Lexi needed to do was put the bedding on the beds.
3.Put away hers and Emilias clothes- the laundry that had been put in this morning was items such as t-shirts and jeans. They were responsible for most of their own clothes when it came to washing.
4.Cook dinner.

Lexi smirked, she couldn't wait to get to Emilia's stuff.

After a while Lexi grew frustrated so she did the only thing she knew how to. She went and got Emilia who was busy doing her homework.
"You need to cook" she stated.
Emilia didn't respond.
"Fine I'll just tell Damon you didn't do it, he won't be very happy considering he told me to tell you to do it. Maybe he will stop letting you eat" Lexi said.

For some reason unknown to her, Emilia found the confidence to stand up for herself. She grabbed a piece of paper. Yes she still wouldn't dare talk but it was better than nothing.

Mary does the cooking, Damon gave you her jobs. Also Damon doesn't make decisions like that, Alesandro does.

"Yeah it's a good job he likes me more than he does you" Lexi muttered.

Just before Emilia could say anything there was a knock at her door.
Dante entered seconds after. He looked between the two twins, something was going on, he just didn't know what. "Aren't you suppose to be doing Mary's job" he asked.

Lexi nodded  "yes I was just asking Emilia if I could come sort her stuff out just in case she's busy, I didn't want to disturb her" Lexi was a good liar and Dante believed her.
"Fine. Emilia can we talk" Dante asked.

Emilia didn't want to talk with Dante, he had started to suspect something.

She nodded and followed him out not wanting to get into trouble.

Whilst following him back to his room she couldn't help but think what if Lexi was telling the truth? What if Damon did want her to cook? He didn't like it when people didn't follow his instructions so he wouldn't be happy. What if he gets angry?

He clearly did something to Dante and he made sure Lexi did her jobs. What would he do to her?

"Are you listening"

Emilia blinked, she had heard none of that. God she was so worried about the what ifs that she had stopped listening, that would definitely get her in trouble.

"Well I just wanted to thank you for covering for me yesterday. I know you could have told Damon what I said but you didn't. Thank you"

Emilia put her hand in her pocket trying to find her phone but realized she left it on her desk.

"Here" Dante saw she was struggling so handed her some paper and a pen.

It's okay, is it okay to ask what happened between you two

Dantes gaze hardened  "nothing, he just gave me one of his boring lectures" it was only half a truth. Damon had done more than just a lecture.

Dante decided to change the topic not wanting her to ask more questions "I do have to ask is your sister always so whiney"

Emilia couldn't help but pick on his word choices. 'your sister'.

She's your sister too

Dante read what she had written and rolled his eyes. He then sat lazily on the sofa, patting the place beside him so she could sit down.
"She is you're right but she's just so whiney. When you do eventually talk please don't be so whiney and cringey" Dante said as he picked up two gaming remotes. He handed Emilia one who stared at it, not knowing what to do.

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