Okay writing this note before I start the chapter, don't have much plans for this chapter, it's kinda a filler, anyway couple of questions.
Favourite character?
And should I add other family, currently they don't fit in with the plot they could be added later on or maybe they visit and Emilia snaps in front of everyone.
But then there is no real need for them I guess, I'm 50/50 with it so I'll leave it up to you guys to decide if you want them added to the book..The next day was different. Everything seemed to be getting better but Emilia was still not talking to her entire family. There was too many of them.
She managed to eat breakfast with them.
Dante was distant, he wouldn't even look at her. It was off considering how he was last night.
Had something happened?
"You're awfully quiet Dante" Alesandro also noticed his sons quietness. There was no offensive comments from him.
"Can I not eat a single meal in peace without being questioned" he stated harshly.
"Don't use that tone with me, it was just an observation" Alesandro replied.
"Whatever. I'm going to school" he snapped.
He left banging the door behind him.
"hai fatto qualcosa, damon" Alesandro asked.
Did you do something, Damon"No, I'll go see what happened" Damon replied and stood up.
Emilia couldn't help but flinch and stop eating as soon as he said that.
Damon noticed. He saw her fear wasn't of him but being without him.
After all, she had yet to talk in front of the three others and Alesandro was sat at the other end of the table.
Damon looked at Alesandro and then glanced at Emilia.
"Ok Emilia since Damon and Dante won't be here, why don't you come sit up here, that way you're not all the way down there on your own" Alesandro suggested not wanting to cause such a fuss as he knew she wouldn't like it.
Lexi. Mason
Matteo. Dante
Emilia. Damon
Damon helped her move considering her arm was in a sling and once sat in her new seat, Damon left.
He quickly found Dante about to get in his car.
"Not so fast" Damon muttered and pulled him away.
"what the fuck do you want now" Dante snapped.
"I want to know where is this attitude coming from"
"Fuck you"
"Are you angry at me? Because if you are I suggest you confront me privately instead of behaving like that at the table" Damon said, he didn't like how he was being spoke to but he remained calm for now.
"Why don't you stop telling me what to do" Dante said
"Or what" Damon was getting bored now.
"Or Emilia won't be the only one with a broken arm"
Damon chuckled darkly "there is more chance of me breaking your neck. Now you can either tell me why you are acting like this or we can stalk discussing a punishment for your lack of respect and threats with no given reason. I'm thinking no car and no gaming for several weeks" Damon said in a dark voice.
"You can't do that. Dad wouldn't let you"
"Wanna bet because I'm liking my odds "
"Her. I'm pissed because of her. I'm taking it out and you because you have done nothing " Dante finally snapped.
Damons annoyance for Dante grew to anger directed at her.
"She's a bitch yes but she's been quiet recently, there is nothing to suggest she has done anything " Damon tried but even he didn't believe himself.
The sicken thought was all he could think of.
He had so many questions racing around.
Why was Em abused and not Lexi?
Was Lexi abused?
Is she just a bitch?
Or does she know more than she's letting on?"I can assure you, she has been spoken to" Damon said.
"No buts, we both know from the emails she doesn't like Emilia but would she go that far? I don't know. I don't want to believe it and I refuse to believe it until we have some proof. It would break dad's heart if we told him and we were wrong" Damon explained.
Dante nodded, Damon was right. They needed proof. They both didn't want to believe it and if they were wrong the person responsible would go free.
"Proof" Dante said.
"Yes proof and then we go to dad" Damon said.
"Oh god" Dante muttered, as he had a realisation.
"What" Damon sensed Dante had thought of something.
"I need to check something. I need to go" Dante said urgently.
"You're not going anywhere without me, your so called theory, I want to know"
"Damon please just trust me. I need to go. If this turns out to be true....god we fucked up"
"Dante I trust you but you're worrying me, what are you checking"
"I need to go. How could I have been so stupid"
Damon stared in shock as he watched his younger brother panic before getting in the car, he didn't try to stop him.
Whatever it was must have been important. What had they fucked up? What would he check?
He went back inside, everyone had done with breakfast and Matteo and Lexi were just about to leave.
"I expect you guys to come straight home after school tonight make sure you tell Dante this when you see him " Alesandro told his two children.
Damons mood changed when he saw Lexi glance into the living room. Em was in there.
"Yes I hope you both have a good day" Damon said and went to Lexi.
Alesandro probably thought Damon was being nice but again he squeezed Lexi's arm and whispered "I forgot to mention yesterday how much I enjoy removing body parts of the people who cross me, don't worry to much Lexi I will find the person who hurt your twin"
He backed off and smiled like nothing had happened. His tone had been too quiet for anyone to hear.
After Matteo and Lexi left, Mason and a very very reluctant Damon left for work. Leaving just Emilia and Alesandro.
"Right bambina, it's just us two today, what would you like to do. It can be anything you want"
So it's getting closer to Emilia snapping.
What do you think Dante has realised?

the unwanted twin
General FictionEmilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried. Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her s...