chapter 62

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"did you guys have fun"  Mason asked, he had just been about to enter the living room when his dad, Matteo and Emilia came back

"Yeah it was alright" Matteo said first.
"Gosh it must have been exciting for you to tell me it was alright" Mason sarcastically said.

"Can't you see I'm busy" Matteo said holding up the bags he was carrying.

"Fine, Emilia come tell me about your day, let's leave them to unpack" he said refering to his dad and brother carrying the shopping.

"Yes that's a great idea" Alesandro encouraged seeing Emilia was hesitant.

Once they got in the living, Mason sat down and beckoned Emilia to sit.

"Am I in trouble" she dared ask.

"No of course not, why do you ask"

"Just the past few days you have used Lia now your calling me Emilia again, and right now you seem serious" Emilia explained as she sat down.

"You prefer when I call you Lia?"

Emilia hesitated not wanting to admit it but she nodded.

"Very well Lia it is, or maybe you would prefer li li" he said adding the last bit to see how she would react.

"Don't you dare" she warned.

"Li li" he said.

"God you're annoying"

"Me? Annoying? That's just mean li li"

Emilia picked up a cushion and threw it at him. He let it hit him, "that wasn't nice li li" he threw it straight back.

You would never have guessed that mason had been almost as phsycotic as Damon earlier. Mason was back to his usual self, he didn't acknowledge what he had done this morning and maybe a small part of him still felt guilty for it but he pushed that side of him and focused on his normal self.

"I'm telling dad" Emilia said pretending to be upset.

"Go for it, he's more reasonable I'm sure he will understand why I did it"  Mason said.

"I will" Emilia got up. She made it to the doorway but decided against going out as she saw Damon going to the kitchen where Alesandro most likely was.

"Hey why aren't you going? what's wrong?" Mason asked coming up to her.
He saw Damon and put it together.

"Emilia you don't usually avoid Damon, what changed" he asked  becoming serious.

"Nothing, I'm not avoiding him " she said.

"Then why don't we go to the kitchen and get a snack " he suggested.

"I'm not hungry"

"Emilia it's just us, you're avoiding him aren't you"

"No I'm not, he just hasn't been in, and when he was this morning, I went out with dad and now I'm with you"

Mason knew she was probably right, it's not like they had seen much of him, only at breakfast but something told him there was more going on.

At breakfast usually Emilia would sit next to him or at least near him, she would pas him notes, they would joke. He understood Damon was not in the mood to joke about but he had been in a bad mood before with Dante and she still would at least sit near him.

At breakfast she avoided looking at him completely. Sure she asked where Lexi was but that wasnt directed at him. She had asked the table that.

"Okay Emilia I'll drop this for now, I know he's in one of his moods but if you are avoiding him, you can talk about it with me, I won't say anything to him"

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