chapter 28

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It was after dinner now and Emilia felt alone. Alesandro and Damon left the house, Matteo and Mason went out somewhere and Dante took Lexi to do homework.

Before she enjoyed being alone as it meant she wasn't being beaten and the abuse was minimal but now everything was different.

She sat in her room reading but she couldn't pay attention because across the hallway, Dante was believing the lies Lexi told him.

Dante sat with an open notebook, pretending it was homework. He wasn't going to out right tell her he knew, he wanted to watch her panic and fuck up.

"So I take a pychology class, and I have to write this essay will you help me with reasons people may hide the truth especially to harm others" Dante said.

"Err I don't know"

"You must have some reasons in mind" Dante asked.

"No. Why are you asking me, you don't like me, why not ask Emilia" Lexi was getting defensive.

"Well Emilia can't talk so it defeats the whole purpose" Dante snapped.

"Oh. Well my twin is very shy I guess she wouldn't want to talk about such a topic with you"

Dante got annoyed at the fake concern.
"What's that suppose to mean" Dante asked.

"Well I can imagine you come off a little scary to her, she tries to hide it but it's obvious, maybe that could be a reason for your essay"

Dante's confidence fell, he knew Emilia feared him sometimes but he didn't think it was that bad.
He put on a cold expression and walked closer to Lexi "are you scared of me too" he asked menacingly.

Lexi smirked as she realised she could get rid of Dante if she taunted him enough.

"Sometimes" she whispered in a fake vunerable voice.

"Good,you should be scared of me. I could do things that you would never dare to imagine. You saw what I did to Luca for just a simple kiss, imagine what I could do when someone really does cross me" he warned in a deadly voice.

He stepped away again and smiled like he hadn't just threatened her "you have been helpful you may go now" he said cheerily with a normal smile on his face

She rushed out, she was genuinely afraid this time, before she could close his door, Dante spoke again "oh and Alexia,I was thinking I could end my essay with the following 'secrets always come out You can't hide forever'."

Lexi nodded "it's good" and she quickly left. She couldn't believe he had caused that much fear in just a short conversation.

Dante smiled, happy with the results.
He saw her fear and he had no doubt that she would write another email soon. He did wonder how they got it past the prison but he suspected the step father knew a few guards who looked past the dodgy emails. They were in a lower secure prison so it wasn't like he didn't have access to a computer.

He decided to go check on Emilia, just in case Lexi thought to go to her.

He knocked on the door, Emilia anwsered it and she was suprised when she saw him.
"You're here" she whispered.
"I am, may I come in" he replied.

She nodded and he came in.

"I thought you were doing a project with Lexi"

"Oh it turns out I didn't need her help after all" Dante replied, he wanted to ask her about it all but something told him that she would shut down. It had taken him alot to get her to talk. He wasnt going to risk her cutting him off.  He didn't know the full truth either. He only knew bits and pieces.

He knew it was bad but he couldn't possibly know how bad it truly was for her.
He didn't fully clock on to the abuse she faced every day.
He just knew they treated her bad but how bad, he didn't know.
Not that it mattered, if it was up to him, Lexi wouldn't get to finish high school.

"Oh. Did she...say anything" Emilia asked.

Although he decided against sharing the emails for now he did want clarification on one thing. Was Emilia scared of him.

"Not much, she did say something about you being scared of me though" Dante casually mentioned.

"She's lying I'm not" Emilia quickly replied but then a look of fear past her face "I didn't mean it like that, I shouldn't have accused her of lying. I'm sorry"

Red flags straight away

"Well if you don't fear me then she is lying but you can tell me if I make you scared because if I do, I need to know so I can change"

Emilia looked at him and saw he was being honest about changing if he did scare her. She decided to test it.

"Sooo if I said wearing all black scares me...would you wear bright cheerful clothes"

Emilia could never imagine Dante in bright clothes, he stuck to dark colours, the brightest he would go was white.
But yellows ect were impossible to imagine on him

Dante smirked, he saw what she was doing. "Crossing a line there" he muttered.
"Does it really bother you" he asked seriously.
She shook her head and he smiled "come here" he said quietly and opened his arms.
She went to him and he wrapped his arms around her and held her.

He wouldn't let anyone hurt her.

Whether it was Lexi or Damon.

He would keep her safe. He would not let them hurt her.

Their moment was ruined when Lexi walked in. She seemed shocked Dante was there.

"What are you doing here" Dante asked.

"I came to see my twin" she said avoiding eye contact.

Dante noticed and smirked, she was afraid. Good.

"Well unfortunately she's busy with me"

"Didn't Damon say you can't be alone with her, maybe you should go, Emilia come with me, it's not safe to be around him"

Emilia didn't know what to do. She didn't want to go against Lexi as she would make her life hell but Dante would be hurt if she left and she knew she was safe with Dante.
Thankfully Dante spoke up "I don't think I'll be going anywhere and neither is Emilia, if you want to talk just pretend I'm not here" 
Lexi huffed and turned to leave.

Dante walked out the room with her, he leaned down and whispered "we both know I'm safe for her to be around, you on the other hand...." He gave her a deadly look which sent her running. He laughed "careful you don't want to trip" he called sweetly before going back into Emilia's room.

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