chapter 19

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Everyone gathered in the living room. Emilia was tired but Alesandro insisted she rest on the sofa just in case something happens.

Alesandro had called Damon on the drive home and to say he was pissed was an understatement.
He sat stroking Emilias hair as a sort of coping mechanism. Knowing she was next to him reassured him that she was okay. He had stopped stroking her hair to get up and she simply glared at him so he continued and she fell back asleep.

Alessandro came back into the room after speaking to Mary about the laundry.
He had a dark look on his face.

"So Mary has been quite helpful" he said looking down at Emilia to make sure she was okay.
"Did she tell you what happened" Mason asked.
"No. She doesn't know however since Emilia believes it to be something about some sort of product that we used, I questioned Mary about it"

"Questioned!!" Matteo exclaimed. He liked Mary she always gave him extra food he hoped his dad hadn't gotten rid of her.

"Yes Matteo we talked about what could have caused it anyway she informed me that some stuff had gone missing and that was probably the cause"

Damon stopped at this point, most of the time he had a deadly cold expression but this time he had nothing but anger on his face.
"Are you saying what I think you are" his voice was so loud that it woke Emilia up, she just stared at him in fear.

"Come here bambina" Alessandro said softly. She reluctantly followed his request. He quickly wrapped her in a hug before she panicked.
"All rooms are being checked as we speak including communal rooms, if anyone has anything to hide I suggest you speak now" Alesandro told them.

Nobody saw Lexi smirking.

"come facciamo a sapere che non l'hanno fatto" Matteo asked

(How do we know they havn't done it)

"perché è stato detto loro di cercare non il motivo per cui stanno cercando e non l'hanno mai incontrata" Alesandro told them.

(because they have been told what to look for not the reason they are looking and they have never met her)

Not even a minute later there was a knock on the living room door.
"Enter" Alesandro called.

A man walked in the room, Emilia hid her face in Alesandro when she saw him. He looked scary to her.

"abbiamo trovato qualcosa"

Translation:We found something.

Alesandro held his daughter tighter as he motioned for the man to continue.

"quindi l'oggetto che ci hai mandato a cercare era sotto il letto di Dante"

Translation:so the item you sent us to look for was under Dante's bed

Everyone stared at Dante who looked wide eyes.

"I didn't. I would never" he panicked.

Damon stood and gave Dante such a dark look even Mason shivered.

"There must be some mistake" Alesandro said not believing he could do that.

"come può essere un errore, ha cercato di ucciderla, ha chiaramente formato un legame in modo da poter accedere più facilmente alla camera da letto" Damon said viciously.

(how can it be a mistake, he tried to kill her, he clearly formed a bond so he could access ger room easier)

"I would never hurt her" Dante shouted.

Emilia and Lexi had no idea what they were talking about, well Lexi had a vague idea.
Emilia only just figured it out, she looked at Dante and she couldn't help but think what if.
Maybe he did do this? No Dante was good. He wouldn't. Would he?

"Bullshit, you have had it out for them since day 1" Damon snapped.

"Yes I admit I didn't like them here but how can you blame me for that, what we do..." Dante stopped when he realized what he was about to say.
"Don't fucking use that as an excuse. You know what I think it's best we talk away from the girls " Damon had a vicious glint in his eyes.

"Damon enough" Alesandro spoke.

"Seriously you are sticking up for him"

"I said enough Damon"

His voice made Emilia shake. She hadn't heard Alesandro speak like that before and it scared her. When he wanted to be he was alot more terrifying than an angry Damon.

"Yes father" Damon said.

"Great. Everyone go calm down, especially you damon. Dante we will talk"

Damon walked out, he was too angry to be around Emilia so he left.

"Come on let's get you upstairs " Mason said taking responsibility since he was the oldest of the siblings that remained.

When everyone left, Dante broke down in front of his father. "I would never do something like that, please father you have to believe me"
Alesandro was a little taken back, he had never seen his son like this before. Dante had always been emotionless.

"Dante I want to believe you but the stuff was in your room. Can you explain how it got there"

"I can't father but please, I wouldn't.  You don't know how painful it was to see her dad, I never want to see her like that again. I swear on my life I didn't do I, yes I was angry she was here at first but we became friends. She's never going to trust me again"

Alesandro nodded "very well.  You always were a good performer so I want to believe you but there is doubt however I am going to give you a chance to come up with a reason behind how it got there"

"If you are giving me a chance that means you believe me right"

"Yes. But you need to prove it to the others"

Dante nodded "I will father" he was grateful for the chance he had been given.

"Can we just ignore my little breakdown though I don't want the others knowing" Dante added.

"Yes son, just remember you are not completely off the huck"

"Of course, I'll prove it to you all"

Later that night

Dante was greatful he had a chance to prove himself innocent but he couldn't concentrate, all he saw was his sister on the floor trying to breath.

He hated it and now she probably hated him.

The door opened preventing him from  thinking further. Damon walked in looking pissed "father told me of your innocence" he stated.

Dante gulped "I'm not lying I swear "

Damon nodded "my initial reaction was anger because of what it appeared to be"

"I understand, I would have been the same"
It was true, If they had said Damon's name instead of his own, he would have been just as bad as how Damon reacted.

"Do you understand though because you clearly didn't understand when we talked yesterday or even last week"

"I'm sorry, please believe me"

Instead of doing stuff that needs to actually get done Im writing a 3rd update today 🥳 probably a fourth tonight.

So what do you guys think of how it's going to effect Ems and Dante's relationship?

And will Damon believed Dante?
Will they have another talk?

I had this idea on how Emilia will talk but I'm probably going to change it so she will be talking alot sooner if I go for my new idea

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