Dante found nothing that proved Lexi caused the allergic reaction.
However he found something better. Something that would ruin her.
Of course he looked under her bed, nothing.
Then he looked through the drawers, nothing.So he decided to have a quick look on her laptop.He was very pleased with his findings. He wasn't stupid though, he couldn't just take it, she would notice that the laptop was missing, his first thought was to email himself the emails and so he quickly did, he then deleted all trace of the email with the attached emails.
He was good with computers so he worked quickly and managed to get a mirroring software on her laptop, she would never know it's there. He would be able to connect his laptop to the software and he would see all the emails sent.
He wasn't as good as Damon but he knew a few things.He then went to his room and properly read through them.
Dear Mother,
I must be careful, I miss you so much, please write to me at.....(random address)
Dear Lexi
Thank you for getting in touch, we are both so sorry we got caught. Hope you are both being good for your father.Dante sighed all this showed was that she missed her mum.
He's not my father, he never will be. Henry is my father, I wasn't able to get a letter to him, do you know how I can contact him. I have so much to tell him.Dante didn't know what to think of this. On one hand she was a bitch but on the other hand the man did raise her, he was her father, he wasn't biologically her father but he was still her father.
Things started to get interesting when he saw the next letter.
To my daughter,
Your mother reached out and so I knew that this must be important.
Don't listen to the man who claims to be your father, I am and always will be.Dante didn't like Henry's attitude but he was right, he was her dad.
I can't believe you wrote. I am so glad you did. I missed you. It's okay here but Emilia needs to learn her place. They don't have her doing any chores....Dante thought this was another pointless letter and that she was just going to rant about Emilia not having chores, Lexi only had them because she was rude to Mary.
He decided to keep on reading hoping she would say something bad about Emilia.She's starting to become more open too, we need to put an end to it. Damon and Dante both are on her side completely but Im working on it and I think I can create doubt in Damon's mind, he's the eldest of my brothers and the others either respect him too much to go against him or fear him. Emilia is still scared of him and I don't blame her, he can be scary sometimes. I bet if I can blame her for something really bad he will hit her and then she will never tell him what happened. I fear she's getting closer to speaking as each day passes.
Lexi I trust that you will take care of it
Yeah I will dad
The last email was only the other day
oh god, she hit him, I wouldn't be suprised if he hurt her. I'm sure she will not trust him ever again, I will still carry out my plan just in case but I bet he's going to beat her up for thatThe emails stopped.
Dante was silent as he processed what he had just read.
Sure he had enough to go to his dad and Damon but he wanted to mess with her, he wanted her to squirm.
The Mafia wasn't something he was completely involved in as Alesandro wanted his sons to finish school before they started but Dante had convinced Damon to let him do Jobs every now again.
All of the brothers had training, they couldn't just start without knowledge or experience and Dante was good at what he did, more so than Mason.Even Damon admired Dante's work on some days. Dante liked to mess with his victims, getting them to think he didn't suspect and then he would attack, if they were already caught he would have them believing he was taking it easy on them.
He smirked as he thought of all the things he could do to Lexi.
Reality set in though as he realised he needed to find out what she had planned for Emilia.
He would need to protect Emilia from Damon's wrath if it came down to it
Dante knew not to under estimate her but she was caught now, all he had to do was protect Emilia and mess with Lexi. Maybe he could get her to dig herself a deeper hole, one she can't climb out of, maybe they would bury her in it.
The chapter you have all been waiting for, probably not as good as expected but he's found something.
What do you think Lexi is planning?
Will Dante be able to protect Emilia?
Would Damon fall for her lies?

the unwanted twin
General FictionEmilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried. Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her s...