chapter 61

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Ok so this might be a little dark, Damon, Dante, mason visiting Lexi dark.

Please skip this chapter if it's too much as it's just them hurting her throughout.

Alesandro left with Emilia and Matteo.  Damon and Dante couldn't be more thrilled.

They headed to Lexi's  room but were stopped when Mason came out of his room "wait up I'd like to join" he said.
He physically couldn't hurt her but he wanted anwsers.

"Fuck sake, why don't we just invite the whole street" Damon muttered, he wanted to do this alone.

"Better yet put her in front of the entire mafia" Dante suggested.

"Unfortunately dad wants her alive and she would only rat on us, the police are desperate for leads on who I am, I'm not about to risk my identity and get sent to jail just because I want her punished. No I can do what they can a whole lot better"

Damon opened the door to her room a sadistic grin on his face "did you have a good sleep Alexia " he asked. He didn't care at all, it was said with a malicious intention.

"No need for chit chat let's just start" Dante said with a grin. He knew something about Alexia that he was dying to torture her with and soon he would.

Alexia tried to run to the corner of the room but she had a bad limp. Just because Damon didn't break it doesn't mean he didn't stand on it a few times.

"Are you running from me again"  Damon asked and sighed dramatically "I thought we went over this Alexia, you can not escape me, you can not run from me" he said darkly.

"Now I did take your electronics away yesterday night but I believe you still have quite alot of comforting things. Dante start getting rid of all personal things"

"Can I destroy them "

"No not yet, there might be something we  can use against her at a later point"

"Okay I'll just go get a bag"

"Damon can I talk to her" Mason asked.

Damon rolled his eyes but nodded and gestured for him to go ahead.

Mason was part of the Mafia but he preferred his tattoo career. He helped out when needed.

"Lexi will you anwser these questions for me "

"Of course she will or she knows what will happen " Damon said glaring.

"Ok so first question, why? There must be a reason. We treated you both equally, we love you both, we gave you whatever you wanted, so why throw that all away just because your parents hated her"

"She doesn't deserve all that"

"And why doesn't she deserve it"

"Because she's a selfish brat, she should never have been born"

"But she's your twin Lexi, why do you hate her so much. What did your parents say to you that caused this "

"Nothing. They said nothing. They didn't want me to see it so we all acted like a big happy family at first but then mum got mad at me because I ruined her favourite dress but I blamed it on Emilia and then I realized I could get away with blaming her whenever I wanted, it made me happy to see her suffer"

Damon tried to go for her at hearing this but mason put his hand up. "Just a few more"

Damon wanted to rip mason apart for saying this.

"Ok so your parents didn't brain wash you into thinking Lia was bad"

"No why would they, I was the golden child already, I just didn't want her around, she was just a pest in my life spoiling my perfect image"

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