It had been a few days since the twins had started school. It was Wednesday and Alesandro was still pissed at Damon. Everyone was wondering what he had done.
Everyone was getting ready for the day, when Damon called Lexi to his office. Lexi practically jumped at the he chance knowing she would have his full detention. That's not something anyone would want.
"I wonder why he wants her" Matteo thought out loud.
"Well it is Wednesday" Mason replied not paying much attention.
Matteo had no idea what mason meant.
"He will no doubt be going through her chores with her since she was rude to Mary last week" Alesandro told his son. He may not be on the best terms with Damon but he allowed him to carry out the punishment because Lexi had been rude and he knew he couldn't let it continue.
Emilia was suprised they were going through with it. She dreaded it really, knowing Lexi would make her do whatever chores were given to her.
"What about school" Matteo asked knowing Mary did most of her work whilst everyone was at work or school.
"She will be doing them as soon as she gets home" Damon's cold voice interrupted them.Emilia shuddered, she really didn't want to get on Damon's bad side.
Lexi huffed as she sat back down.
"I won't have any of that attitude from you either" Damon commented.Emilia hated how much she liked seeing Lexi be told off. It made a change, she got to see how it was like on the end of someone's anger.
"Right I need to go to work. Those chores better be done perfectly by the time I'm home" Damon warned Lexi in a deadly calm voice. He then turned to Emilia "have a good day tesoro"
It was shocking how his tone went from 'I'll kill you if you so much as miss a speck of dust', to calm caring and affectionate.
Lexi didn't like it one bit.
"I really don't feel well today dad, do I have to do these chores" Lexi asked in the sweetest voice she could when Damon left.
"Yes. If you were to ill Damon wouldn't be giving you them. You were rude and disrespectful and that isn't tolerated in our home" Alesandro said. He felt for his daughter, he really did but he had to be more strict with them both.
"But Dante is always rude to me and nothing is ever done to me, why am I being being punished "
"Damon has already dealt with Dante" Alesandro replied. He was still annoyed about that but didn't let the others know.
Lexi looked over at Emilia who was finding the floor a lot more fascinating. She smiled trying not to show her true intentions "okay you are right, I'm being disrespectful again, I will do the tasks Damon has given me".
Time skip
It was now lunch time, Despite only her third day, Emilia had become fast friends with her new friends especially Sofia and Antonio. She had never had friends before so she was afraid of messing up but she was starting to get more comfortable.
She was walking to the cafeteria on her own as she had a class without any of her friends, when Lexi pulled her aside.
"I saw you this morning, you think it's funny that I'm having to do what you should be doing. It's only a matter of time before they get rid of Mary and make you their full time made because let's face it you are not worthy of anything else" she snapped.
Tears rolled down Emilias cheeks as she watched Lexi leave. Lexi was right. She was worthless.
She couldn't risk anyone seeing her like this so she quickly dried her eyes and went into the cafeteria.

the unwanted twin
General FictionEmilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried. Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her s...