chapter 37

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Damon was quick to reschedule his meetings, he would have his important ones this morning and he scheduled the others tommorow.
The down side to his plan was that he had back to back meetings from 9 till 1.30.  And tommorow, with the extra meetings he would have back to back meetings 9 till 7. He usually allowed some time between meetings to catch up on paper work but he would have no time do to it these next two days so he would have to fit it in somewhere.

He didnt mind as long as Emilia was okay, that's all that mattered.

After finishing rescheduling, he went and joined his family for breakfast.
"Isn't Emilia with you" Mason asked, suprising them all, he was the silent type at meal times, it wasn't that he didn't get involved but recently he just preferred to watch the drama unfold.
"She will be here soon. Dad she has a headache so I said she could stay off, she's going to come with me this morning"
"Okay that's fine, have you given her anything for it? Maybe it would be best for her to stay in bed and sleep it off"

"She's not tired, I've got it covered " Damon said.

"Very well" Alesandro agreed but he was already thinking of ways to make her feel better, he knew she enjoyed his food so he made a mental note to give Mary the night off and cook tonight.
"I had a headache last week and I still had to go to school" Matteo complained.
"Yeah but that was just a mild headache, which you didn't even have once you got to school " Mason jumped in.
"And besides you had an important test" Alesandro said.
"You knew that" Matteo asked, he was hoping to keep that private.
"What sort of test" Damon asked, even he didn't know.
"Maths" Alesandro was definitely on top of his children's studies.

When Emilia walked in, she was nervous as the day she first came here.
Damon noticed and beckoned her to sit.

"Mia bambina, Damon says your head hurts, do you need anything?" Alesandro fussed.
He even stood up and went round to her and gave her a quick hug.

She shook her head in response to the question.

Dante noticed the look of disgust from Lexi, Damons focus was on Emilia but when he saw Lexi roll her eyes out of the corner of his eye. He grew a little pissed.

So as Alesandro fussed over Emilia, Damons neutral expression turned into a deadly look as he looked at Lexi, once she caught him looking, he smirked and he stabbed his knife into his food whilst glaring at her.
She gulped.
He cut his food in one quick cut instead of several little ones.
She looked away and gulped again.

Damon found it amusing but Emilia glanced at him and his evil and deadly expression vanished instantly.

That was one thing about Damon that none of his family really got. He could go from murderous and violent to somewhat happy. Sometimes his happiness was sadistic after all he did enjoy causing others pain but when he returned to his somewhat happy someone neutral expression, it just showed everyone how fast he could snap, how fast he could go from neutral to angry and how fast his anger could grow.

It was usually hard to read his emotions but when it came to Emilia everyone could see the soft spot he had for her and how fiercely protective he is over her.

Once Alesandro had stopped fussing and he was certain Emilia was okay he returned to his seat and breakfast continued.

"So are you guys looking forward to school" Alesandro asked.

"It's school" Matteo replied, clearly not very happy.

"Well I am looking forward to it" Dante said.

Damon rolled his eyes at Dante.

"I'm not dad, I'm being bullied" Lexi said in such a cringey voice, even Alesandro cringed.

He was still very much concerned "what do you mean bullied? Has someone done something"
Alesandro didn't pry into his children's social lives, sure he would ask and let them know he could come to them but he figured their social life was private to them.

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