chapter 51

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Realized I've probably got way to many ideas and it might be some time till she snaps but I'm going to try get straight into the story, no useless information. Also just want to point out when she snaps it most likely won't be in front her entire family.

Dante wasn't happy not one bit. His theory didn't plan out but he wasn't stopping. He knew it was Lexi who caused that allergic reaction, she knew Emilia had an allergy, but the question was did she know how bad?

A scary thought entered his mind.

Was this her second attempt of getting rid of Em?

He had been the one to carry Emilia to the nurses office, he had seen her struggle to breath. What if she had been alone? What if Sofia wasn't there to get him?

He knew he had to tell Damon but he wanted to figure it out himself first.

No one had a problem with Em at school at least he didn't think they did.

He had gone to the hospital and requested her records, at first they were against it because he wasn't the guardian but then he brought Damon's name into it to one member of the staff who just so happened to work for Damon.

Fortunately for Emilia, the case was still active and because of this they hadn't updated her records to say signs of abuse , they had to wait until the police had finished as it was a sensative investigation.

Dante was pissed when he saw there was no signs of allergic reactions.

Maybe he was overthinking.

They were twins, he was being paranoid, Lexi wouldn't kill her own twin. That was just messed up.

It was probably a prank meant to be harmless.

He dropped that thought and decided to get to school.

Everyone was  still talking about the incident, no one dared mention it to him directly though in fear he'd snap.

Class went by and soon it was lunch time. He walked into the cafeteria and all eyes landed on him.  He ignored the attention though and scanned the room. Matteo wasn't here again.

He got out his phone to message Damon as he turned to leave
Matteo isn't here again, going to track him down

He slipped his phone into his pocket and went to leave when he suddenly turned.

His eyes focused in on the table with her friends and he walked over much to everyone's suprise.

"Is she okay" Antonio and Sophia asked at the same time almost.

"She's getting there. Now Sophia let's talk"

"About what" Sophia whispered, she didn't want to be on Dante's bad side and she feared she was.

He was aware, Sophia had told her friends she was ill and that's the way Em preferred it so he decided the topic was to be discussed elsewhere.
"Come walk with me"

Sophia gulped but knew better than to say no.

So she packed her stuff and grabbed her bag and followed him.

"I swear I don't know anything" Sophia panicked.

"I want to know more about this allergic reaction, you was with her when it happened. We aren't discussing it at the table as I'm aware you told them she was ill and I'm sure Emilia would like to keep it that way"

"Oh" Sophia was suprised that he wasn't going to threaten her life.

"Yeah so tell me everything you can remember, I hope you don't mind but I need to find my brother so you will be coming along with me "

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