Italics at the beggining are what Damon said and Dante is thinking about what he said earlier
"Since it didn't get into your head last time let's have another talk, maybe this time it will stick"
Dante tried to focus, he needed to prove his innocence. He couldn't let Emilia hate him.
It had been several hours since Damon left and suprisingly everything had been quiet.He kept in his room when it was dinner time, he couldn't bare seeing that look in his families eyes.
He didn't even know if they had dinner that night. Of course their dad would make the girls eat but the boys were all old enough to decide if they wanted to skip.
"See, I don't believe you"
His own brother didn't believe him. What hope did he have.
The boys all believed family was important, they would all do anything for each other however not every family was perfect. Dante and Damon were far to similar, they both had anger issues, over the years they got into many arguements, each would end in Dante storming out of the room or even the house. Damon had been right the majority of the time considering they were mostly about Dante's life choices, and even Dante would be the first to admit how poor his choices were. Over the past few weeks the arguements changed, and then the twins came and the arguements changed again. He understood in a way because he had said some pretty fucked up things about both girls and Damon had always been protective of all his siblings, more so now with the twins.
Emilia laid curled up in bed, she had gone over everything in her head many times. She had barely been left alone, Alesandro had brought her food up earlier and sat with her for a bit. Emilia had felt so bad when she wrinkled her nose up at it after taking a bite, she hadn't meant to but it tasted different from his usual food. Alessandro caught on and asked her what was wrong. She tried to deny it because the food was good it just tasted different but she ended up writing asking why it was different. Long story short, Alesandro was thrilled that she preferred his cooking over Mary's.
Now that she had been left alone it gave her time to think. Dante's panicked expression when he saw her on the ground, it hurt her to remember. How he didn't waste time getting her to a nurse. Why would he do it if he had that reaction? It made no sense.
Before she could think to much, she left her room.
"What are you doing, you should be resting"
She turned and saw Mason.
Mason sighed "it's not a good ideas to go in there"
Emilia nodded, she started to feel stupid, they all thought he did it and they knew him better so she couldn't be right. She headed back to her room but as soon as Mason left and was fully downstairs, she went back out knocking on Dante's door.
When she received no response, she hesitantly entered knowing her brothers would only stop her if they saw her out on the hallway.
Dante was laid in bed, he never bothered to turn around.
"Leave me alone father, I can handle it. I don't want you here so go"
Emilia didn't leave.
"I said get the fuck out. Now" Dante yelled. He turned but when he saw Emilia stood looking at the floor with a terrified look all he felt was guilt."Shit I'm sorry Em, I didn't mean to say that,I thought you were dad coming to talk to me about feelings and shit" Dante tried to explain. He knew it was no way to talk to his dad either but he can couldn't help lash out.
Emilia nodded.
"Why are you here though, not that I mind it's just you're here" Dante was confused.
Emilia didn't say anything, she looked at him with teary eyes. She couldn't help see the panicked boy who took her to the nurse without hesitation.
Dante looked at her teary eyes and all he saw was the girl who was struggling to breath."You should be asleep" he said bluntly hoping she would leave, he didn't want to see her eyes.
Emilia nodded. She was too tired to think straight and besides she trusted Dante. Instead of leaving, she lazy got into Dante's bed.
Dante was shocked, he was thankfully he didn't bother changing out of the sweats he put on earlier. He slowly laid back down not wanting to do anything wrong.
She hugged him. He tensed at the contact which she noticed. "I'm fine just didn't expect this" Dante quickly told her
It seems work because she nodded, she went to remove her hands but he stopped her. "Just a little longer, I need this" he mumbled pulling her into a hug too.
"I didn't do it Em, I swear I would never hurt you. We didn't get on well at first and I was insanely rude but I wouldn't hurt you then and I'll never hurt you now. I know I shouldn't ask but I need you to trust me and believe me this once. I definitely don't deserve your forgiveness but please know I would never hurt you" Dante said holding her tighter.
Dante wished he would have at least gotten a nod but he didn't.
"I believe you"
Shorter chapter than usual but she spoke 🥳🥳🥳. Originally she was going to get hurt and call out for Alessandro but I think this is definitely a better approach.
And although she has talked it doesn't mean Lexi is going to get caught because she's still scared of what her sister can do.
All her life everyone has believed Lexi when Lexi was obviously at fault so she won't want to risk them not believing her

the unwanted twin
General FictionEmilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried. Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her s...