chapter 80

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The rest of Saturday was spent inside mostly. Damon and Alesandro went off to find Lexi and her parents.  The others were told about what had happened. Dante didn't leave Emilia's side once Damon told him he couldn't help.

Mason had done a bit of work from home, he had quite the range of clients, most were a little dodgy so he had a few conversations with them to see if they knew anything.

Now it was Sunday.

Emilia wasn't sure they would let her go and yes she felt a little scared but she wasn't going to let the fear of Alice and Henry stop her anymore.

She went downstairs, for breakfast, suprisingly everyone was mostly there.

"Can I still go out today" she asked Alesandro.

Alesandro was hesitant to say yeah, he couldn't loose her again but he couldn't stop her from having a life.

"No" Dante was the one to speak up first.

"Where will you be going" Alesandro asked.

"Well we are going to meet in this coffee shop, probably get a drink there and just go from there" Emilia explained.

"Okay I don't want to stop you but they took you once, I don't want it happening again"

"I'll be with Antonio the entire time and we will be in public areas, there is no way they are going to take me"

"She has a point" Damon said.

"You're seriously okay with this" Dante asked.

"Yeah I'm confident in my abilities and I really don't think she's in any danger" Damon said

"Is there anything you want to share" Alesandro asked, it sounded like he knew something the others didn't.

"Only that I've tracked them down to leaving town. They haven't returned yet but they were last spotted leaving so she's in no danger today"

"Ok then you may go buy Emilia if anything happens or you think something is off, you message me. You keep your phone on at all times and you don't go off on your own at any point" Alesandro said.

"Why are you letting her go off with that boy" Dante said with annoyance.

"Why is it such a big deal, you have your tongue down girls throats every day" Emilia asked.

"Because you're too young"

"Ok but I'm only a year younger than Matteo and he's just like you" Emilia countered.

Dante just glared "yes well it's different"


"Because you're my little sister and I won't have any boy take advantage of you and hurt you" Dante said, his voice raised slightly.

Emilia suddenly felt guilty for making them believe it's a date. "Well if it makes you feel any better, we are just hanging out as friends. We agreed we were friends and nothing more" she confessed.

"Damons right you are a brat" Dante muttered but he said it lightly, meaning there was no bad intentions.

"Why tell us it was a date" Mason asked

"You thought it was and it was funny to go along with it. Especially since Dante was being mean"

"Jesus fine, watch as many Disney stuff as you want just no dates" Dante said.

Emilia smiled knowing she had won.

Damon who had been odly quiet had been listening to his siblings. He was impressed with how she tricked them just because Dante had told her she needed to act older. "I need to get to work but Emilia..." Damon said, he paused for a few seconds and seeing he had Emilia's attention "next time I suggest continuing the joke a little longer, make him suffer" he continued.

"Seriously? She's the one who's messing about with fake dates and you're on her side"

"Yes because it's her business not yours" he said a little harshly turn turned to Emilia"have a good day Emilia"


Emilia found herself enjoying Antonio's company alot more. She had never hung outside school alone with him. He was just fun to be around. He made her feel safe too. Besides her family, she had only really spoken to Antonio. She didn't count the boy at the mall.
Antonio and Emilia soon found themselves walking back to the cafe they had first started in. Time had passed so quickly for them.

"I think I'm ready to speak to the others" Emilia confessed as they continued to walk.

"That's great Emilia" Antonio smiled.

"Yeah hopefully" Emilia was still very nervous.

Antonio recognised that and took her hand in his "if you're not comfortable you don't have to do this" he told her.
"But I want too. I want to move on"

"Move on?" Antonio asked.

Emilia looked down. She hadn't told him about the abuse.

Antonio sighed and carefully placed his hand under her chin and lifted it up "whatever you want to move on from, whatever stopped you from talking before,  you can talk to me anytime about it. I'll always be here for you "

"Really?" She asked quietly.

"Really" he whispered and pulled her into a hug.

They stayed hugging for several minutes before they parted. Emilia felt much more confident now and so together they continued to the cafe.

Antonio was a little lost in thought. He didn't know what had happened but he was not happy at all, whatever or whoever was responsible for what stopped her talking pissed him off.

Yes he only saw Emilia as a friend but she had quickly become extremely important to him and he was not about to let this go.

"Emilia. Antonio" Sophia, Hailey and Lucy said as they entered the cafe. The three girls waved at them like crazy.
"Our friends are idiots" Antonio muttered smiling as he said it. Emilia nodded in agreement.

They went to join their friends.

Seating arrangement

Emilia  .-   - Lucy
Antonio-   - Haily
Sophia. -   - Evan

"I saw the hand holding" Sophia whispered so only Antonio heard.

"Shut up" Antonio whispered back.

"So we ordered you both hot chocolate" Evan said.

"Yeah we didn't know how long you would be but we figured we could order anyway" Sophia said.

The friends got into a small conversation after that. Emilia joined in with nodding and shaking her head.

She was working up the courage to speak.

Antonio saw how her hands were trembling under the table so he again took hold of her hand, he didn't say anything, he just continued the conversation he was having.

"Emilia you never said, did you have a good time with this idiot" Sophia said nudging Antonio.

Emilia was about to nod but instead she took a deep breath and spoke "I did"

Everyone was in shock except Antonio.

"You spoke" Sophia stated. She got up from her seat and went round and hugged Emilia, Hailey and Lucy quickly joined in. The boys let the girls have a group hug before joining in.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter and talking from everyone. They were all having a good time.

No one noticed the black car with blacked out windows.

Another chapter done, thoughts on Antonio now?

Also again The lost triplets is out so check that out. I'm repeating myself a bit too much.

I kinda already wrote the epilogue for this book so I know how it ends unless I completely change my mind which is unlikely. I have also planned how many chapters. It all depends on new ideas and how much I write. More could be added but as of now it finishes at chapter 84 and then an epilogue

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