17. Boys and Girls

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Boys and Girls

The atmosphere was tense as we all stared at each other, the room was dark with spotlights on all three of us.

We sat facing each other as I didn't know who they were despite giving me a familiar feelings like I had known them before.

We had long been talking or mainly the two had been talking since I mostly faded in and out of Consciousness although they seem to be arguing

I had tagged them in my mind as the white-haired dude and the black-haired dude

The man with white hair said "This part is very clear , Your nothing but a pawn and you'll remain a pawn until you play
He claps his hands saying " The rules are clear , Take what they give you , give away what you have to and the difference is yours"
but he leaned forward to the other man and said " The question is.......how big is the difference"

I had yet to grasp the topic being argued about obviously to me it was something about a game?

Then the black-haired man said "Are you really intending to win?

In reply the other smiles saying "we'll why not?"

He sits back and said "There are lots like me and we're the actual players unlike you nice guys"

And then it clicked, I wondered in amazement thinking, were they really talking about players and nice guys?

Before I could think further he continued
"-who treat them like so called queens and kings and adhere to their every need and now expect some sort of reprieve in return,
Suddenly he stood up shouting " But a long time ago you gave up on yourselves and won't lift a single finger while those like us who have real power and have worked hard to get where we are....are then left with bad names like 'toxic guys' "

"Well" he relaxed and said " we have become more than the rest....became gods
Although we only have one problem and that is we're are to unfeeling and can't fall in love and that just leaves you and I
I benefit you and other time you I"

Everyone plays a game of their own

"Hahaha" the black-haired guy laughed loudly saying "Think you're a player, do you?"

The other smiles saying " I play like the great ones"

He relaxed in his seat and said "so that is the game"
He moved his right hand to the side and said " Here are people who are nice and are in their feelings and here to the left are the players the so called toxic guys

And here......we are in the middle knowing how to play but sometimes falling prey to our emotions"

Then his friend smiled saying "How pure and simple
And your right in that we are like butter that is spread between a thin layer of caviar and moldy bread"

Then suddenly they both turned to me and the white haired man came close and said "why are you silent?....Hello are you even here?"

I flinched as the other guy said "leave him alone ,he looks like he's asleep"

I calmed down and said "what can I say? ,You seem to making some good points ,so I didn't chime in
"So what do you want"

The black-haired man huffed and said " at least give an advice or something"
They are all watching or maybe.....reading

I was confused but I decided to listen to him and say something

So I said "Obviously my advice goes to those who get played saying "oh he will get better and whatnot

Don't lie to yourself ,don't be like the others. Your in a trap and the trap will only open its jaws once you are sucked dry and used. "

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