22. The Mind

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The Mind

Of course you obviously know the most powerful aspect of the body is the brain In turn the mind.

That is until you realize that it's the mind/brain that tells you this

Funny right?

But nevertheless it's the undeniable truth, something that is impossible to argue against

Now what got me thinking and also writing about would be a song stuck in the recess of my mind by my favorite Artist 'NF'
Called "Just Like You"

He said

"It's strange the way the mind can wander, but also stop to gossip

And chat with memories that you and me aren't really fond of

Maybe you're out to find love, maybe you lost who you was

It's so impressive, the way the mind can play with the truth"

Now I've recently been in talks about the subconscious which is really mind blowing on how everything keeping us alive is a subconscious act

Seeing as you don't know your breathing unless you actively breathe which is common knowledge actually lol

But do you know that we never really forget and we never really come up with something

Everything is interconnected

Now there's also another saying

"the mind is a powerful place

And what you feed it can affect you in a powerful way

It's pretty cool, right? Yeah, but it's not always safe

Just hang with me, this'll only take a moment, okay?

Just think about it for a second, if you look at your face

Every day when you get up and think you'll never be great

You'll never be great, not because you're not, but the hate

Will always find a way to cut you up and murder your faith"

Now looking at the mind it's amazing
So much untapped power hidden within oneself just banging for a way out

Ps: I've been in a really really bad spot lately trying to find my way plus I feel like this book's intention is getting diverted but oh well I'm just venting

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