55. Talks with Her

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Sitting on his bed he looked at the girl opposite him with a small smile on his face

He tilted his head slightly and asked "why do you want to torture me"

The girl looked at him in shock not understanding what he was getting at

The boy sighed and said "you left me in this state and just when I'm recovering, you come back and I'm back to square one"

She looked down seemingly sad and said "I didn't mean to hurt you"

He laughed a little and still lightly chuckling he said "you know I don't hate you , it's strange I still love you so much despite everything"

He continues saying "It's weird the things you do when you're broken up with

I considered stepping in front of a car the other day
Honestly being lost feels more like a convenience

Everything hurts and nothing is okay without you"

She looked at him with tear-veiled eyes and said " I really am sorry , it's just......the pressure was too much"

He looked at her thoughtfully and just sighed "then why are you here......what is it you truly want?"

She said " I don't know"

And just suddenly he grabs his chest almost like he wanted to pull his heart out
and in a somewhat sobbing voice he says "I love you so much ,I love you so much it hurts , it fucking hurts"

He then calmly releases his chest breathing in and out slowly as he says "I really feel shitty ,very unstable"

And just as she's about to respond he holds up his hand and says "please don't say your sorry..........just don't"

"I need you to leave, there's nothing for you here and your doing more damage being here"

And she stands up to leave and just as she's about to go she says " I love you too.......I just can't be in love now"

And she was gone

He looks at the door calmly but inside you could practically hear the screams of help from his soul.

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