24. Heroes and villians

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Heroes and Villains

All stories told from different perspective

A hero made by the dream of making the world a better place for his mom

A villain made by the dream of making the world pay for being bad to his mom

Same story , same situation but different reactions which will create the road or path to the ultimate showdown between both parties

Funny how cruel fate is , but such is the way of life

Let's look at how a villainous immortal would say to being trapped

And he laughed loudly saying " and pray tell why I....would bargain with a mortal? I don't think you grasp the meaning of immortality. Even in captivity I will outlive you
I will outlive your children
Your children's children and so on, for as many generations as it takes

And even if I'm not freed , then I'd simply wait. For the stone of my prison to crumble , the metals of my bars to corrode . Even if it's takes one hundred millennia or countless eons ,

I Will be free , so by all means keep me captive for as long as you wish. No amount of time can you fathom compared to eternity that I have and I will live"

Now a hero would appeal to the person's morality

And he chuckled saying" You would like to bargain mortal?.....I see it seems like you don't seem to grasp the aspect of immortality, considering ur a mortal I will forgive you this once ,

I have guarded your world for countless eons ,what would you think would happen when there's no one to protect you?

Do you think ur so called weapons of mass destruction would cause a dent on predators of ur world

Now free me so I can continue on with my job"

Heroes and villains

All the same just different

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