74: A dream

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Countless memories of a past love pass by
Separated by the decision of one

The world had never looked so bleak and dead
Eyes seemingly lost , no single ripple of emotion

Aimless walking ,no desire ,no thoughts on the continuation of life

Seeking relief, closure at every turn , hoping that one is in an illusion

And then ,just then
Eyes refocus, bursting with the lights of infinite pain and misery
Coming to a conclusion that the end is here

Physical pain manifest from the scenes transpired,
Suffering holding close and sacred

Days, weeks, months on end pass by and still no sight of relief , living aimlessly and just when it seemed no pain could become greater

Stopped dead in tracks by a sight never once imagined

And there in all her splendor and graceful bearing , with another , joy and love filled the atmosphere between them

And with heavy footsteps, greater pain abound , filling cells in body

Staggering with hand on chest , moving away from scene , stepping into the path of a vehicle

And just briefly before collision, a smile and then........

Waking up ,he sees his love all in his tender embrace as she sleeps , a sigh of relief and a tear he hugs her tightly chuckling at the dream.

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