36. Beginning of the end

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He stood in shock with tears adorning the corner of his eyes as he whispered "Dr Olang?"
The aforementioned person turned around and said "oh Will....darling Will" with a smile so beautiful it could cause wars between nations
Will in question with injuries of various degrees with an arm missing just sighed in relief,almost like a weight had been lifted

He smiled and just fainted as the relaxation of his mind overtook him
Dr Olang just chuckled saying "hmm seems he's tired after all" and she walked around him checking his body as a frown came upon her face as she looked at the missing arm
She said to herself "this wasn't in the calculation but I guess I can make him a new arm"
And almost manically smile filled her face as she giggled almost evilly "ohh what arm will I make"

Then she clapped her hands and little robots that resembled somewhat a cross between a fox and a cat came in and carried the man away as she walked behind them and said "time to get to work"

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