71: Bloody Escape 3

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As fresh blood splashed all over the place, a thunderous sound rang out beside Will's ears, and his heart bled. That was the sound of a member choosing to trigger the explosion of his Qi because he had sustained too many grave injuries!

This was a battle. This was a battle between the invaders and the defenders. This was a crazed battle between two group. This was the battle sparked from the hundreds of years of hatred between Dark assassins group and White assassin group that would never end until one of them was completely destroyed!

Death was nothing! Fighting for their homes, for their group, for their children, and for their parents was the most brilliant moment of their lives!

The light from the column protected the crowd. In the silence, a sob could be heard, and it echoed outwards. The normal members were calling out for the Warriors. They were crying for those that fought to protect them: their children, their fathers, the assassins...

"Mama, why is the sky blue..? Is it because papa is protecting us from above..?"

"Papa, why do the stars blink at night..? Is it because mama is there watching us..?"

No one knew who was the first to start mumbling the lyrics, but gradually, almost all the normal members who were protected by the column's light started singing amidst the wails and sobs.

Their voices mixed together and gradually turned into a low musical wave. The sound was gentle and sad, but within that gentleness and sadness, there was also an indescribable emotion.

Those lyrics belonged solely to Dark Assassins group. When someone from their group died, their members would gather around the fire and look at their deceased member as they sang the song of mourning.

"Trainee, you are not alone in the sky. Do not be sad. Do not cry. Mama and papa will look at you from where we are... Every year, every day... we will look at you..."

"I will not cry. I will not be sad. I will not be lonely. I know that you are there, watching me... I am happy..."

The singing voices gradually grew louder and more distinct amidst the sounds of weeping. When the assassins from Dark assassins fighting without fear of death heard the voices of their members and heard the familiar words, sadness appeared on their faces, and they let out depressed growls.

They will fight! They will fight until they die!

Will trembled. Tears fell from his eyes. His body was covered in fresh blood. Some of it was his own, but the larger part belonged to his enemies.

He did not know fatigue, he did not know fear. All he knew was only that he had to fight till he breathed his last. Once he could no longer move, and once his body was too heavily wounded for him to continue fighting, he would trigger his Qi and self-destruct!

Will's heart clenched in pain. It was bleeding. It was as if a countless number of needles had pierced through his heart. It made his speed increase even more. It made his punches even more powerful. Amidst the sadness and killing, a song filled with tears echoed in the air.

The song was filled with desolation, sadness, and separation... Not too far away, An assassin sat under a tree. His legs were already bloody stumps, and his body was covered in blood. His face was pale, and his eyes dim.

He raised the xun made of bone with his trembling hands and placed it by his mouth, and begun to play a tragic song. The moaning sound was like the cry of a mother, and it mixed with the low rumbling song sung by their members on the tragic battlefield, turning it into a song that made hearts clench in grief.

The sad moans floated with the wind and melted into the snow on the ground. They sank into the members' blood, causing every single one of them, who heard it, to start crying on the battlefield.

Besides the sorrowful funeral song, Will also heard the sounds of exploding caused by self-destruction. Each boom symbolized another Warrior from his group choosing to make his Qi explode.

"Don't count me out from the road to the afterlife!"

Will smiled brokenly.

He threw another punch outward and blasted another enemy of his group into pieces of flesh. Will, too, coughed out a mouthful of blood. As he turned around, he saw his member playing the song underneath the tree before his death.

That member's eyes may have been dim, but there was still a hint of light within. He played the song, and the blood on his hands stained the xun made of bone.

Nonetheless, it could not dampen his song, his sadness, and his parting words.
This was the very last song he would play for his members. This time, he played the song with his life...

Will closed his eyes and averted his gaze. The moment he did so, he turned around and grabbed three of his closest enemies jumping into the midst of a group of white assassins group he triggered every Qi in his body and with a loud laugh exploded creating a deep huge crater.

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