19. Mindscape

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The sound of footsteps echoed through the long dark hall and as the maker of such sounds thought to himself

'why the hell it was so dark and far away from the control room'

And he finally approached a door and entered

"Oh you done already?" Said a very annoying voice

"As you can see" he replied as he mentally face-palmed

He then continued " why are we still doing this I'm tired and it's pointless since the original doesn't look like he'll come out again"

"We have to since it's we were created with this purpose, beside don't you feel pity as to why were even here" He said back with an eyebrow raised

Then the other sighed sadly and looked at the end of the room to see a young boy hugging his knees and muttering something

And then he looked back at his companion and said "I know I know , especially with when the family almost-"

"Shut up! , do you want a repeat of what happened last time?"

The other said as he quickly checked on the young boy he then continued

" I understand your dilemma but.....this mind it's where we were born, he's us and we're him and even though he's meant to be the main control there's not much we can do"

"But he also wants to....you know....like-" he then made a cut across his throat with his hand and continued "-and we're needlessly suffering at their hands ,there's only so much we can handle before we join him"

The other then replied "don't worry we'll soon travel and be far away from them"

He then said "And on the plus side we've learnt so many things ,we just have to hold on"

He sighed "alright alright ,I'll try my best and oh it's your turn to takeover"

"Yh" the other said

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