23. Love and Hate

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Love.....and hate

Love.......love.....love , what exactly is love
Some say "doing anything for another"

Some say the unconscious thought of another as part of you

But ultimately love is different things all together

But to love , one must be ready to hate

It's a powerful emotion if not the most powerful
It's what drives the world in some cases

But also very destructive when it transforms to either hate or obsession that's when things get.....dicey

I'll give a real example with a twist.....once there was a guy who realized that he had fallen deeply down the rabbit hole of love , developing the bubbly feelings attached to.......one lovely girl over time

he had come to only found out that as much as you might love someone you can never love someone into loving you

So he found out throughout that time she didn't really feel the same way.....He broke

Now to show you the power love has over one's whole being

He had his whole character changed from a smiling funny playful boy to a teenager that was always quiet, lonely ,depressed , hardly smiled

and then later changed to a cold calculating guy who plays with peoples feelings and now someone who's numb to every emotion around him

You know

I never really understood what Shakespeare meant by :

"you say you love the rain but you open an umbrella

You say you love the sun but you find a shady spot

You say you love the wind but dose your windows when it blows

That's why I'm afraid when you say you love me"

It all makes sense to me now the older I get

Like all things , it had changed

Love to hate
Hate to love

Stuck in the ever ending cycle that is

Love........and hate

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