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A very short crack fic (I think that can be used for this) I made. I did not reread it FYI.

guessimdemons92 this is what I needed that info for

Massachusetts wrote quickly yet calm on the piece of paper. The screams of his people drowned out all other noises.

It's been only days since the ants showed up, and for days we've been trying to escape. A ball larger than the Empire State Building showed up one day, and we haven't been the same. The ants rolled along the state, picking up, and consuming anything they touch into their mass, getting larger, and larger.

Massachusetts sipped on his Dunks. Even with the state he was in he would always have his Dunks. He tapped the pencil on his desk, thinking about what was going on.

People aren't able to escape fast enough. We've tried fighting against it, but it's no use. The screams of people trying to escape fill my ears. Some have been able to escape, most haven't been so lucky.

He looked outside. The ball rolled close by, slowly getting closer. People ran in every direction, but only a couple seemed to be able to escape. All the others were consumed by the ants. Massachusetts just watched, unable to help them.

I don't know how much longer I have until this state is destroyed. I don't know if this will be affecting the other states, if it does, you guys are fucked.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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