Shrek is mood Shrek is life

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Ohio, points to a trash can: That's me!
Alabama and Indiana: No! No it's not!

Ohio and PA, talking:
WV, sneaks up and picks up Ohio: Haha!
Ohio, blushing a lot:
PA: Aww you two are in love!
WV and Ohio: No we're not!

PA: Just confess to each other.
WV: You see we would...
Ohio: But we aren't in love.

Indiana, sad:
Alabama: Who hurt you?
Alabama: Cause I'm gonna beat their ass!

Ohio, gets hurt: FUCK ME!
Alabama: Gladly!

Alabama: I'd protect Indiana even if it killed me!
Ohio, giving him puppy dog eyes: Would you protect me?
Alabama: Of course!

Alabama: Hey cupcake.
Indiana: Why do you call me "cupcake"?
Alabama: Cause that's what you are!

Alabama, watching Shrek:
Indiana: Do you ever get bored of that movie?
Alabama: No one gets bored of Shrek!

Statehouse stuff 2, electric boogalooWhere stories live. Discover now