Make a wish

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Alabama sat outside, lighting his cigarette. He leaned back on the chair, it felt so nice to just be outside. The warm air felt wonderful on his face. He heard the door open and turned around to see who's it was.

"Hello!" Indiana chirped, greeting the southern state.

"Hey Indi! How are you?" Alabama asked, looking up at Indiana.

"I'm doing good!" Indiana exclaimed, smiling happily at his boyfriend.

"Well that's great to hear." Alabama responded, he hoped Indiana wouldn't say anything about the cigarette.

"Oh can you put that out?" Indiana asked, pointing to the cigarette that hung out of Bama's lips.

"Fine." Alabama sighed, snuffing the cigarette out and dropping it in the ash tray.

"Great!" Indiana exclaimed, jumping onto his boyfriend. The chair fell over, startling the two. Indiana smiled down at Alabama, he looked like he had just won a trophy.

"Now I'm above you!" Indiana exclaimed triumphantly, his smile never wavering. Alabama didn't say anything, instead he just moved the chair back into its normal position, causing Indiana to fall onto the grass.

"Not anymore." Alabama said, smiling as he stood up from the chair. Indiana pouted and looked up at him, he reached an arm out.

"Help me up." Indi whined, stretching his arm out even more. Bama smiled and grabbed his boyfriend's hand, pulling him to his feet. Indiana immediately hugged the Southern state as soon as he got to his feet.

"Ope I forgot to ask, how are you?" Indiana asked, looking up at the taller state.

"I'm doing great. I'm kinda happy it's just us." Alabama responded, kissing the shorter state's forehead.

"Yeah it's nice." Indi responded, letting go of Alabama. He headed towards a couple dandelions. He picked one up and blew on it, watching as the seeds flew out.

"What did you wish for?" Alabama asked from behind Indi.

"I can't tell you." Indiana responded, plucking another dandelion from the ground.

"It's your turn." Indiana stated, smiling at Alabama as he heals out the dandelion.

"I'm not really-" Alabama was interrupted by Indiana shoving the dandelion closer to him.

"Do it!" Indiana exclaimed, staring up at Alabama.

"Fine ok I'll make a wish." Bama said, taking the dandelion out of Indiana's hand. He blew on the white puff ball.

"What did you wish for?" Indiana asked, he knew Alabama couldn't say, but he still wanted to know.

"I can't tell you!" Alabama responded.

"Yeah I know." Indi muttered. Alabama hugged his boyfriend. Indiana hugged back, nuzzling into Alabama's chest.

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