chapter 16

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The next day you woke up early because you had an important matters as you then felt something soft laying on your face as you realize it was a breast and you look up and saw Lisa still sleeping while her arms wrap around your head.

You blush slightly as you then slowly move her arms away from your head not wanting to wake her up as you then sat on the bedside while stretching.

You then went to the bathroom as you showered yourself and change your clothes because you didn't change yesterday since your so sleepy and just wore some black shirt and pants.

You brush your hair as you tied half of it while you wore your boots and look at Lisa who was still sleeping.

You notice she was wearing one of your shirt as a smile form on your lips then went to your small desk and wrote a letter from Lisa Incase she woke up and finds you.

You then place the letter beside her as you then look at her for a while and brush some of her hair as you then lean down and kiss her on the lips gently before you left.

You went to starsnatch cliff where you supposed to meet the others as you fly towards there.

The three was already there at the same time and they were only waiting for you and not long they saw you as you landed down and immediately hid your wings while you greeted them.

"Everyone is finally here"

"This view is lovely for a fated reunion don't you think y/n?"

"Let's just get this thing over with"

You had talk for quite a while before barbatos had started playing the holy lyre and later dvalin had appeared as a strong wind current went pass us as you got serious.

Dvalin then look at Barbatos.

"You have come...what has be done cannot be undone"

"If so,Then why do I see sadness in your eyes? Sadness that speaks of your yearning for this song..."


"They're communicating.."

Jean said as you then saw something went towards barbatos and hit the holy lyre as you three immediately became cautious and approach barbatos.

Just then an abyss mages appeared behind him.

"Do not be fooled by him, dear dragon..he left you to rot alone"

The abyss mage is corrupting him more which made you glare at the abyss mage and held your hand firmly.

"Now he attempts to deceive you once more"


"Let your wrath fester!"

"Mondstadt has already turn it's back on you!"

"I'm gonna end that-"

You were cut off when dvalin growled and fly up making a wind current again as he look at Barbatos.

"You! You were planning this all along to have me slain by them!?"

"No listen to me!"

"The time has come for the Dragon to serve it's true masters while you bewail your pathetic selves and watch the world tremble with fear!"

Dvalin then fly away with the abyss mage as you look at Barbatos who felt sad while he watch his old friend fly away from him.


"Barba- venti, please be careful next time"

"Ah have known my true identity for some time now, haven't you? Jean?"

"Though I thank you for continuing to use the name venti"

"How's the holy lyre? Can it still be played? Or Does it need to be repaired?

"I think it's beyond repair"

You said while you took the lyre and look at them.

"We should track down dvalin immediately, I'm gonna call the outrider"

"No need to, I've track it down and found it on one of the four wind temples though I do need some contacts"

"Alright you do that"

You said and gave barbatos the holy lyre as you then started walking away from them.

They just let you as they then talk about it for a while before they went back to mondstadt.

You went to windrise again as that was one place we're you could ease up your mind from everything as you failed to save dvalin again as you held your hand firmly and breath in and out trying to calm yourself.

"I need to rest my mind"

You mumbled as you lay down and close your eyes, brushing away all of that as you then felt the peaceful day for a while before someone spoke.


You open one eye and look to see jean which caught you by surprised.

"Well this is surprising"

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