chapter 27

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You four had fought dvalin as you tried your best not to hurt him and just target the crystal on his back but it was getting difficult for you all.

Diluc was panting heavily while he let his claymore carry him as well as jean.

You and barbatos was still fighting dvalin as you both dodge his claws and elemental abilities.

Just then he use his tail to attack barbatos as you tried blocking but you both still was sent away as you fell on the ground.

"Archons, he is stubborn as always"

"Just like you y/n"


Dvalin roared as you four started to stood up and look at dvalin. You summon your sword again as the three started forming a stance and you all charge at him.

Diluc swing his claymore towards dvalin as jean then use her anemo abilities to heal the others.

Barbatos then shoot an arrow with some anemo elemental in it while you started jumping on dvalin and form a stance.

Dvalin then was about to attack you when you immediately used your electro to went fast on his back.

You touch his crystal and smiled at dvalin.


You used your pyro to melt his crystal as he started screaming in agony and swing his claw to the ground as it made a crack and had some anemo elemental in it.


Barbatos said as he then summon some wind current to make them fly from the ground while you still melt dvalin's crystal.

Dvalin then started flying away up as you hold to the crystal and was distracted as it stop melting.

You positioned yourself again and continued melting his crystal while he started struggling to make you fall but you won't miss it this time and will definitely save your friend.


you said to him as you use more pyro and you can see your whole body steaming as you can feel the burn inside and gritted your teeth.

You hold your pain as you melt his crystal and just then it completely melt as you breathe out and a smoke went out of your mouth.

"I..did it.."

You and dvalin then both fell down as the three saw you falling down but then the ground breaks too which made them fall down.

Luckily dvalin gain consciousness and immediately catch all of you and fly away from his lair.

Jean then immediately tried to hold you but was burn as your body temperature is hotter than the average which made her worried more.

"Her body temperature is not normal"

"She use her limit to her pyro which made her body started creating a steam that come out from her body because of the flame that burn her inside"

"If she doesn't use her cryo abilities to cool her body off then it might get worse"

"We need to find someone that had a cryo vision once we get to mondstadt, we can't let-"

"Jean, calm down"

Diluc said as jean tried to calm down and just look at you as she then held your hand which she got surprised because it's cold as she then look at your body which is started taking out some steam as she felt your body going back to it's normal temperature.

"Well what do you know, even when she's unconscious she can use her cryo abilities to cool her body off so she can prevent the heat inside"

Barbatos explained as jean sigh in relief and look at you as she smiled and started holding you in her arms.

The two then turn their backs to give you two some time while jean just caress you in her arms until you reach mondstadt.

"I'm glad your okay, y/n"

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