chapter 44

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You suddenly woke up as you can't see anything but darkness and tried to move but you felt your wrist has been chained as you tried struggling but failed.

Just then you feel cold as you shivered while breathing some smoke out of your mouth.

You tried using your pyro to warm yourself but then to your surprised it won't activate nor your other elemental abilities.

"Quite real for a dream.."

You mumbled as you know your dreaming but the feeling is too real to be a dream.

"If not a dream...a nightmare?"

You thought as you look around the darkness but didn't find anything as your trying to break free from the chained but couldn't.

You suddenly remembered when your being trapped in that ice for so long as this is the same feeling like you were bound in chained and only felt coldness.

You pulled the chains again to break free but you really can't break it as your getting irritated by it.

Just then you heard footsteps as you look around but couldn't find anyone. You suddenly heard a voice, a man's voice.

"How long you think this ice will break?"

"We don't know sir, we tried everything but this ice won't break, it keeps covering the woman inside"

"Hmm~ fascinating, I wonder how long will you stay inside your cocoon?"

"Do anything you can do"



"La signora has her eyes on you for quite a while now"

"Hmm~ is she getting suspicious of me?"

"Most likely yes sir"

"....I'll deal with her, don't let her know about this woman"

"Yes sir"

You then heard the footsteps again but this time it was walking away from you as you couldn't hear them anymore but you knew that it was one of the past were you have been trapped in the ice on dragonspine.

It seems like someone has been trying to break you free from the ice but you somehow know that if they manage to break the ice then they'll do something worse to you.

You then remembered that you heard that woman's name, signora as you assume that the man that is trying to break you free is acquaintance with signora.

"That woman...I need to dig through about their goals and schemes"

After that you suddenly felt something warm on your cheeks as you somehow relaxed on the warmth on your cheeks and lean more.

You felt it was a hand but couldn't tell which hand it is as it's other hand went to the other side of your cheeks and made you warm more.

Suddenly the chains then broke as you fell down behind your back but your surprised to feel something soft behind you like a pillow as it was warm too and the coldness of your body has disappeared because of the warmth your feeling.

Then you heard a hum which is familiar as there's only one person who had this voice and that song is your favorite which that person only knows beside barbatos and dvalin.

Your heart sunk when you very well knew that this was Rosalyne but what hurts you more that this is only a dream and you knew what happened to Rosalyne and how she became corrupted.


You mumbled as you close your eyes and lean on her more and you felt the hand suddenly flinch when they heard the name but then wrapped their arms on you more.



Meanwhile at night at the church, signora was only beside you while your still unconscious as she did felt guilty even though she tried to think she enjoyed it but feels more guilty and so she went to visit you privately.

At first it was hard because the acting Grandmaster and the librarian won't leave your side but it was a relief when they had an appointment with someone and had no choice but to go back in the HQ.

Signora watched you rest as your body temperature was getting back to normal as she squinted her eyes.

"I'm sorry beasty..I went too far"

She mumbled as she held your hand and look at your face.

"I just...I just can't believe that your alive and okay...I thought you died that day as well...I thought I was all alone now.."

"I was happy when I saw you alive but then jealous took control of me when your happy with the other woman"

She then lay her head on the beside while poking your face.

"I wish I could spend time with you as well"

"I want to feel your embraced..."

She lean her hand but then stop in the middle as she retracted her hand back and was about to leave when suddenly you gasp and your voice shivered as she immediately look back at you and immediately grab your hand as she was surprised that your body is getting cold again.

"I-impossible, why is she getting cold again?"

You were breathing heavily as your body temperature is getting more colder as she squinted her eyes and gritted her teeth and tried finding something that will warm you up but didn't find anything.

She then look at her hand and had an idea but then this will have consequences on her as she then shrugged it off and didn't care what would happen to her.

She went to the bedside as she then lean her hand on your left cheek and used her pyro to warm you up.

You relaxed on the warmth as you lean on her hand as she then put her other hand on your right cheek to warm you more.

Your body temperature is slowly getting back to normal but it is still not enough as she think of something before moving.

She hop on the bed as she then lay beside you and pulled you into her while she caress your head while you lay your back on her.

Your head is between her boobs as you felt more warmth in it and relaxed more when she started humming.

She smiled but then she felt her inside's are burning but she doesn't care as long as you feel warm.


You suddenly called out her name...her real name as she got surprised and flinch a little to which you furrowed your brows when you felt her arm loosen as she immediately wrap her arms more around you and pulled you close to her.


You called her name again as she just look at you while caressing your head before giving you a kiss on the forehead.

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