chapter 37

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Eula has been spying on you secretly in two straight days as she was trying to find any other people that can make you go soft like the acting Grandmaster or the librarian.

The first day, she saw you with kaeya talking about some mission as she can see that you consider kaeya as your friend but you still had barriers on him so that's a no.

The next one is diluc who you had a short conversation in the tavern as she really know you barely talk to diluc.

At noon she saw you with klee as klee was playing with you while you babysit her because the acting Grandmaster told you to look out for klee for a while and you can't say no to that.

She really don't see anything special until she saw you again with the librarian at sunset.

You were both walking around in mondstadt while the librarian talks about something and you just quietly listen to her.

She can see how your eyes turn soft everytime you see the librarian but then she notice your eyes turn soft too at the acting Grandmaster earlier.

Eula had watch you and the librarian eat at the good hunters and even went to buy some flowers as you gave the librarian some Cecilia flowers.

"Ara~ I'll very much cherish this, cutie~"

The librarian said as she smiled at you and held your hand to which you just smiled at her that eula barely see in you whenever your with her.

"So she can smile too..."

She leave you two alone after that and decided to spy you on the next day.

The 2nd day has nothing special since your just helping amber cleaning some hilichurls camp as she was about to stop spying on you after you report to the acting Grandmaster.

She was looking at the window to the acting Grandmaster's office as she saw you stand next to the acting Grandmaster.

You were saying something as the acting Grandmaster kept on her desk for a while before she stood up and look at you.

The acting Grandmaster smiled at you while she approach you as eula was about to look away when she notice the acting Grandmaster caress your cheeks as she slowly went to kiss your lips.

This made eula blush and confused as she thought you had that relationship with the librarian but then the acting Grandmaster had kiss you too.

"What is the meaning of this? Is she having an affair with the librarian and the acting Grandmaster??"

She held her hand tightly and sigh.

"I won't tolerate such thing...I must tell that to the acting Grandmaster tomorrow.."


The third day has come as you were going back to mondstadt while escorting klee because you just went to razor and the others.

You went inside the HQ as you saw jean and Lisa waiting for you while smiling.

Klee then let go of your hand as she went to greet jean and Lisa while you just smiled at them.

After that klee went to her room to rest while you three went inside jean's office.

You immediately sat down on the couch as you sigh while jean went to her desk and Lisa sat beside you.

"How was your day, cutie?"

"Hmm~ the usual..klee playing with her friends"

"And I can say they made you join by force"


Lisa just chuckled because of that cute little drawing of her bomb in your cheeks. Klee draw that as a symbol of how much she likes you for being her guardian.

The one in your arm was razor, he draw a little wolf on your arm as a symbol too and Bennet draw a thumbs up on your hand.

"The kids really do like you, y/n"

Jean said as she smiled at you while you just scratch your cheek.

"Oh I know~"

Lisa then sat on your lap as she wrap her arms on your neck while she smirks.

"Why don't we mark a symbol on you too, cutie?"

You were caught by surprised as you immediately got flustered while Lisa then slowly lean close to kiss you.

Jean then sigh as she stood up from her desk and approach you both.

She sat beside you as Lisa then pull away while jean made you look beside as she kiss you too.

Lisa then unbuttoned your shirt as she started kissing your neck while jean then went down to give you some  love bites.

Just then the door opens as you three immediately look to the door surprised.

"Acting Grandmaster I must tell you something about the honorary knight-"

She stop and her jaw dropped when she saw you three in that position which made her flustered and froze on her spot.

"Ara~ guess we had some explanation to do with eula"

"I hope she understands it.."


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