chapter 48

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You both got back to mondstadt and just by the entrance, you were all greeted by the people in mondstadt and was congratulated for saving mondstadt once again with the help of one of the Lawrence clan who join the knights of favonius.

Eula was not used to it since she was despised by this people due to her being a Lawrence but now she only hear compliments.

You notice that and sigh as you held her hand and started walking towards the tavern while people still throw you compliments.

You stop at the tavern and look at her to which she just look down looking at your hands while a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

You suddenly let go of her hand as she wants to hold you more but stop herself.

"Your not used to people complimenting you"

"Well...I was used by their rudeness everytime they see me so today is just really new.."

"Once you did something that risk your life, they will notice your kindness suddenly out of nowhere and throw you compliments"

"I can see that"

"That's just how people is, they will first saw your mistakes and turn a blind eye to your kindness...not until you risk your life"

"Well some of them that risk their life were still called bad guys.."

"Why do I feel like you've experienced this already, honorary knight?"

She asked as you look at her but your eyes soften as you respond to her.

"I did"

You said before opening the door and was immediately greeted by the knights of favonius as you both were dragged inside and parted ways as she was dragged by the knights on the counter while you were dragged by kaeya.

Kaeya gave you a dandelion wine as he started cheering you and thanking you for saving mondstadt once again as you just nod at him and drink your wine.

Eula on the other hand was just watching you while thinking of what you just said earlier to her.

She did heard about you not from this world but what can't she believe that people in your world see you as a bad guy.

Usually in their world adepti's are worship by people since they are loyal servants to their gods so she can't believe that you an adepti was being seen as bad guy to your world.

But then since it's two different world she somehow knew why your being seen as the bad one since your different from people.

Just then one of the knights interrupted her thoughts as they ask eula to drink hers since she's not touching it as she just sigh and drank it.


Later you were at the terrace while drinking your wine as you decided to take some fresh air and have a peaceful moment alone.

Just then a wind came running through you as you just close your eyes before speaking.

"Evening, venti"

"Hmm~ spending time alone again are we?"

"Now that your here, I wouldn't Call it alone anymore"

You both just Chuckled as you started looking at the skies and can see many stars.

"Once again you save my nation, what can I do to repay you?"

"Hmm~ I want you to write a letter to that old man as I decided to visit him tomorrow"

You said and drink your wine while venti just smiled.

"Leaving so soon?"

"Well now that my work here is done then why not visit the next nation close to your nation?"

"Beside that old geezer wanted to see me, probably wants me to be there on their so called rite of descension"

"Won't you say goodbyes to your dear ones first?"

"Of course I'll say goodbye, I'm not like my old self before you even knew me"

"Haha, we really did change you"

"It's the first time I felt so welcome to you all, usually I was considered a monster to my world but then here... well I guess I'm surprised that I'm not different from mortals here"

"Archons, adeptis, mortal..we are all the same. We still breathe the same air and live are own ways"


Just then a door opens as you both look and it was diluc as he just look at you both.

"You might want to take eula back home"

You got surprised and sigh as you pinch your temples.

"Don't tell me she can't handle drinks?"



"Seems like you still have one more work to do, honorary knight"

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