chapter 21

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Jean had woken up in the middle of the night as she slowly blink her eyes trying to progress anything when she suddenly realized she had slept way too long and had given you all the paper works.

She immediately sat up and look to see the papers were already done and your on her desk sleeping peacefully.

She then look to see a blanket and a pillow as she realized that you even gave her pillow and blanket to make her sleep comfortable.

She slowly got flustered as she then sigh quietly and stood up while holding the blanket as she approach you and put a blanket on you gently.

She move away a little bit and look at your sleeping face as she find it cute and felt her face heats up again as she then sat on the chair on the opposite side.

She lay her head on the desk too while watching you sleep as she was so focus on your face.

She lean her hand suddenly and poke your nose as you frown slightly but still asleep.

Jean was lost in thoughts as she was just looking at you.

"I have fallen for her..huh.."

She mumbled while she lean her hand again and poke your cheeks then she slowly slid her finger on your lips as she blush slightly while looking at your lips.

Without hesitation, she stood up and silently went to your side as she brush some of your hair and look at your face once again as she slowly lean to your lips.

Just then a knock was heard on the door which made her flinch and heard Lisa's voice.

"Jean? Are you still there?"

She felt her heart rate increase and was beating loudly as her face was already flustered.

She immediately made herself composed before opening the door for Lisa as Lisa then looked at her while smiling.

"Good evening, jean"

"Lisa? What brings you here at this hour? Shouldn't you supposed to be home by now?"

"Ah well, I was looking for cutie. She was supposed to meet amber for practice but then amber came to find her to me, thinking that she was with me but unfortunately cutie was not with me"

"I-i see..."

Lisa notice her stutter as she then look to the side to see someone sleeping on her desk.

"Ara~ did I interrupt something? My apologies if you had a meeting with someone-"

"No actually... that's...y/n.."

Lisa blink a few times as she then jump in conclusion and sneered at her friend.

"Hmm~ so your spending time with my cutie~"

"S-she just help me with my works, t-that's all!"

"Jean you know there's something if you stutter like that"

"It's the truth!"

"Your reddened face said otherwise jean~"

She then touch her cheek that was a blushing mess as she then look down while Lisa just giggled and went inside.

She approach you as she then went to your side and look at your face with a smile.

She fix some of your hair and jean notice on how the way Lisa look at you as she realized Lisa felt the same as her with you.



"Do you like y/n as well?"

"Hmm~ she's an interesting person and quite mysterious. We really don't know where she came from since she's not from this world but that's what got my attention to her"

"Behind those cold and mysterious side lies a kind and caring adepti. She kept saying she despise humans but we can see in her actions that she will do anything to save a human"

"I can see that.."

"Tell me jean~"

Lisa then caress your face as your still asleep because of the paper works as Lisa then sneered at jean.

"Would you like to share cutie?"

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