Chapter 44 - Maya's Fortune

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-Maya's Point of View-

"Don't be shy, sit here and join me." 

Aunt Wu signed for me to sit on the pillow cushion beside her. I closed the door behind me and entered the fortune-telling room.

"So, how does this fortune-telling thing work?" I asked her as I sat down.

"My method of fortune-telling is through bone reading. This is the most reliable method of telling your fortune—the bones never lie," she answered, pointing at the pot of bones in front of us. "Go on, pick one," she gestured.

I obediently followed her and took the first bone that caught my eye.

"Now throw it to the fire," she said and I did. I just silently followed whatever she said because all these things were new to me. "The heat makes cracks in the bones, and then I read the bone cracks to tell your destiny," she explained.

Right after she explained that the bone started making cracking noises. Aunt Wu let it sit for a few more seconds before she fished it out of the fire using a metal rod.

She placed the bone on a cloth and waited for it to cool down before reading the cracks. 

"Now, let's take a look shall we?" She prompted and then I nodded my head. "Let's see here..." she examined the bone carefully—all nook and cranny. "Hmm, it seems like you're on the wrong path..." she said. 

"Wrong path?" I asked.

"It seems like you are currently taking on a path that does not lead to your destiny. The bones say that you should not be astray any further or else, fate will take matters into its own hands and bring you back to the right track," she continued.

I don't what she's talking about and it's not making any sense but boy am I so scared right now.

"You are running away from a destiny you were called to do," she continued with her reading. "I think you should start considering going back..." she suggested.

Going back? Is this about me going back to the Fire Nation? How does she even know that?! 

"But I can't leave my friends, I promised to be with them and help them," I told her.

"You don't have to worry, it's not a permanent goodbye. You will rejoin with them someday. At the end of the path, they will be there waiting for you," she consoled.

"But did the bone say anything about my love line?" I tried to change the topic because I wasn't really comfortable talking about it with her.

"Your love line is very visible. In fact, it was the first one I noticed. I just had to build up the atmosphere before I say so," she jest.

I smiled at her with a sigh of relief. She really knows how to build tension in the atmosphere.

"I see a reliable young man—a future leader. He and you were destined to be together—bound by a spirit that transcends lifetimes. But since you both have different paths to take and destinies to fulfill, you will be separated from him for some time. It will take a while for your romance to bloom, but everything will be worth the wait," she continued.

I can't help but smile at what Aunt Wu was saying. All the while she was explaining, the first person to come to mind was Balu. He's the only one fitting Aunt Wu's predictions. I really hope to meet him again someday. I miss him.

"Thank you so much, Aunt Wu!" I exclaimed and then I clasped my hands against hers. I happily exited the room and went to the lobby where Aang and the others were waiting.

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