Chapter 26 - Roku's Temple

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-Maya's Point of View-

After a few hours of continuous flight, we finally arrived at the island that Aang was talking about.

"There it is! The Island where Roku's dragon took me," he said. On the way there, Aang mentioned that the spirit who helped him calm Hei Bai down and the one who told him the way to contact Roku was Roku's animal guide which was a dragon. 

Then that would mean that we didn't meet the same spirit while we were in the spirit world. Wait, could it be that the spirit tying Aang with his past lives is that dragon? Is that even possible? Or Am I just talking nonsense? 

Anyway, what's important now is that we're here and that we are able to reach the temple before sunset. Actually, it's already the break of dusk. The sky has already turned pinkish due to the setting sun but we still have enough time before darkness comes. 

We landed on a rocky surface just a hundred meters away from the temple. We wanted to keep Appa here for we can't really take him with us inside. Besides, this was the only spot on the island where there was no lava flowing around and the ground is cool enough to stay in. 

Did I forget to mention that there's a very active volcano in the heart of this island? Yes, there is. The volcano was oozing with lava and it won't stop flowing. This is seriously the opposite of the south pole. I don't think I'd get used to any of this.

"You did it buddy... Nice flying." Aang said to Appa while hugging his big fluffy head. Appa then let out a growl while laying down on its back. Katara then went to him and rubbed the bison's belly. 

"Aww... you must be tired," Katara said while comforting the bison. He probably is tired. He did most of the work to get us here. Imagine being ridden on by four people and having to dodge fireballs... Geez, that's a tough job. 

"No! I'm good! refreshed and ready to fight some fire benders." Sokka suddenly said while doing a stretch and warming up his body. "I was talking to Appa..." Katara said to him. 

Sokka suddenly stopped moving and then he looked at Katara, "Well... I was talking to Maya and Momo." Sokka replied back while pointing at me and Momo. I looked at him with one brow raised. "Yeah right..." I said to him.

I looked away from Sokka and panned my vision to the temple. There was a long path all the way up there that we still have to take to get in. I'm not really that tired and it's a ramp anyways so I don't think we'll exhaust ourselves on the way up.

I continued looking at the temple, wondering about what was inside it. Suddenly I remembered what Ta Min told me. 

"If you went back to the fire nation, not only will you be able to help the Avatar save the lives of many, but you'll also be able to save your father."

How did she even know who my father is? Is that a thing between past lives? Are they aware of your life? Who is my father even and why does he need saving? 

Why do I need to leave Aang and the others so that I could help? Where would I even go? UGH! Everything is just so confusing! Who am I? Who was my mother before going to the south pole? Who is my father? 

"Is there a problem Maya?" Katara suddenly asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder. When I heard her, I suddenly realized that I was staring into thin air with my brows crossed. I quickly changed my expression and looked back at her. 

"You were so deep into your thoughts. What are you thinking about?" Katara asked once more. I looked at her for a few short seconds before finally answering, "Nothing I just... It just makes me feel uncomfortable knowing that I'm a fire nation native... I just..." I said but then I wasn't able to finish it because I don't know what to say anymore. I just let out a big sigh while looking away.

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