Chapter 21 - A Promise To Break

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-Zuko's Point of View-

"What is that place?" I asked Uncle. We're here on the borders of Earth Kingdom Territory and in the middle of the sea, I saw a factory-like place.

"I'm not sure..." Uncle answered. "It's one of the fire nation's prison rigs. That's where they are holding captive the arrested earth benders in the nearby villages." one of the ship crew said.

"Why are we heading towards it?" I angrily asked. "We're falling short of coal to fire the ship's engine. That rig is known for mass-producing coal mines. We'll be buying some for them, or if we are lucky enough he might even give it to us for free," the ship crew answered.

I looked at him with eyebrows crossed and then he continued, "Don't worry your Highness, we won't take too long." he answered, and then he went inside the ship's cabin.

This better be quick. I can't risk any more delays. I still haven't found the Avatar for days, and I have no idea where he is.


We arrived at the prison rig and there we saw that the whole place was in shambles.

"W-What happened in here?!" my helmsman asked while looking horrified at the place. Just then one of the fire nation soldiers came out of it. We went towards him and questioned him.

"What happened here? Where's your warden?" I asked. "Prince Zuko!" the soldier exclaimed as he bowed down, "There was a prison break! The earth benders were able to get a hold of the factory's coal and they used it to break free," he explained.

I went inside and searched the place. All the marks showed that there has been a tough fight. But something happened in here that's out of the ordinary. There's no way a bunch of normal earth benders were able to come up with a way to get the factory's coal. The silo is far from the prison hold there's no way they dug it out.

I continued looking around and noticed the air shaft in the middle of the prison hold. Judging from the coal's footprints, that must be where it came from. Also, considering that the air shaft is open.

I walked around to find more clues about what has happened until I stumbled upon a familiar object. I picked up the thing I had found and then suddenly the corners of my lips curled.

I knew it, there was no way these puny earth benders were able to come up with a formidable escape plan. They had help, and this is all the proof I need.

I suddenly heard footsteps behind me and I saw uncle had followed me inside. "Uncle, the Avatar was here." I declared as I held in front of his face the necklace of the waterbender girl he was traveling with.

I turned away from him as I faced the beautiful sunset. "You said they were heading north right?" I asked, "Then we'll keep heading north. We're getting closer." I continued.

Finally... a lead...


-Maya's Point of View-

It's now sunset, and because of the delay we had in the prison break, we had to keep on flying until we've reached a far enough distance—or until Appa gets tired. Whichever comes first.

"Maya, is your arm alright?" I heard Katara ask. "Oh... It still stings but I think I'll be fine, Sokka did a good job in treating it." I answered and then I gave Sokka a smile. "Don't need to be praised, I know I'm good at what I do." Sokka arrogantly said.

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