Chapter 3 - Anika's Confession

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- Zuko's Point of View-

"Prince Zuko! We saw a distress signal from a fire navy ship!" One of my soldiers said as he barged inside my room.

I quickly stood up and shouted, "Get my telescope!" I ran as fast as I could to the ship's balcony and once I got my telescope, I examined the place where the signal was from. 

It was from an old fire navy ship that has been frozen.

I saw someone come out of it.

It's the Avatar! He's leaping from one level to another. He's coming down from the roof of the ship to the ground while carrying another person.

"The last airbender... Quite agile for his old age," I said to myself.

"WAKE MY UNCLE! Tell him I found the Avatar," I ordered my minions as I looked at him again through the telescope.

I saw that they were going somewhere so I panned my vision to where they were headed and I saw a small frozen village.

"As well as his hiding place," I continued.

Your hiding days are over. I'm going to catch you.


-Maya's Point of View-

I was woken up by the sound of the village people panicking and going all over the place. I didn't realize that I fell asleep!

Wow! I fell asleep! Good job brain! You worked!

I stood up and went outside. I was about to ask one of the villagers what was going on but I was stopped when I saw what they were staring at in the sky.

A distress signal from a fire navy ship!?

Could it be? Are there fire navy ships nearby? Is there going to be another raid? Is the past going to repeat itself? Did they find out that we still have a waterbender?


Katara where are you?!

I ran towards where all the village people have gathered and I saw from a distance Aang and Katara walking together. I was about to run towards them when Sokka grabbed onto my wrist.

I saw his face and it was a very serious one. I looked at the whole village people and they had the same expression. What is going on here?!

When Aang and Katara got close to all of us, the kids went running toward him.

"Yay! Aang is back!" one of the kids shouted.

I just stood there beside Sokka and Gran-Gran. Fear and anxiety were creeping inside of me.

A signal went off! What if a fire navy ship comes in later? What if they take Katara away?!

No... This isn't happening!

Sokka then took a step forward and shouted, "I KNEW IT! YOU SIGNALED THE FIRE NAVY WITH THAT FLARE!" and then he pointed his finger at the sky. "You're leading them straight to us aren't you?" Sokka continued.

"Aang didn't do anything! It was an accident!" Katara said, trying to defend Aang.

Accident? What Accident?! What have they both been doing?

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