Chapter 24 - Maya's Past Life

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-Maya's Point of View-

"Maya!" I heard Aang shout. Huh? Aang? Why are you shouting my name?

"Maya!!" Sokka shouted as well. Sokka? You too? What is going on?

"MAYA!" The third time I heard someone shout my name, it was my mother's voice.

"AHH!!!" I shouted as I quickly sat up. What? Was it all just a dream? Did I fall asleep?

I had a look around and I saw that I was laying beside a tree— in fact, the whole place is filled with trees and mangroves. What is this place? Where am I?

"You're in the Spirit World." I suddenly heard someone say— or should I say, something. I turned around and saw a big glowing white kite-like spirit floating behind me.

Its voice— I recognize that voice! It's the same voice as the spirit that keeps on appearing in my dreams!

"You... You're that spirit—!" I shouted but the spirit cuts me off before I could finish what I was supposed to say.

"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you again Sue." the spirit said. I looked at her with a confused face, "Sue?" I asked.

"So it is true? Time has made you forget about my existence." the Spirit continued. I kept looking at it with a confused face as I slowly stood up. "I think you got the wrong person. You see, my name is Maya— not Sue, and second of all, this is my first time meeting an actual spirit and being in the actual spirit world so it's impossible for me to forget about you when we haven't even met before." I told the spirit.

"I didn't make a mistake. You are definitely Sue." the Spirit insisted. I looked at it sternly as I sighed in defeat. I leaned against the tree's trunk and then I asked, "Who is this Sue anyway?"

"Your past life." the spirit answered.

My eyes grew wide at what the spirit said, and I smiled like a young child that has been given a piece of candy. "Really? I have a past life?!" I excitingly asked. "Yes, you do." the spirit answered.

"Isn't that thing only applicable to the Avatar or something?" I asked once more. The spirit turned its body to me and said, "Every human being has their own past lives, but not everyone is connected to them."

I looked at the spirit with amazement and awe as it kept on explaining. "Only those who are bonded with a spiritual entity can reconnect themselves with their past lives. That spiritual entity is what connects the past to the present." she continued.

"No future?" I asked. "Spirits are not fortunetellers. We can't predict who the future life would be." the spirit answered with an irritated tone.

"Relax! I didn't know, okay! That's why I asked. You have such a mood don't you?" I said as I slowly walked to the edge of the mangrove and looked at my reflection in the calm crystal clear water.

"So, what you mean is that the Avatar has a spirit within him that binds him with his past lives right?" I asked. "Yes, that is correct." the spirit answered.

"And just a while ago you told me that Sue is my past life. Does that mean I'm connected with my past lives as well?" I asked again.

"Yes. All of them, not only Sue." the spirit said as it went closer to me. I looked at it with a serious face and asked once more, "And you must be the spirit that connects me with them right?"

"Yes. I am the spirit that has been with you from the very beginning until now." the spirit answered. "But I don't understand, I've never met any of my past lives before, let alone have contacted them." I contradicted.

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