Chapter 34 - The Fire's Core

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-Aang's Point of View-

"Katara have you seen Maya?" I asked Katara who is currently knitting a hat of some kind. "Oh, I haven't noticed her since this morning. When I woke up, both she and Sokka were not in bed," she replied. 

"Sokka's probably with Jet, but Maya didn't mention she'd go anywhere," I said. "Relax Aang, I'm sure Maya's just somewhere out there looking around. Why don't you go and explore a little too?" Katara comforted. "Alright, I guess..." I sadly replied. 

Just then Momo flew to my shoulder. I looked at him and then I cheerfully asked, "Wanna go slide these ropes buddy?" Momo agreed and then we both flew to the zip lines inside the tree hideout. 

Wherever Maya is, I hope she is safe...


-Maya's Point of View-

"Ugh! My fingers hurt!" I yelled. 

"Alright. Water break," Longshot timidly said.

It's already past noon and I still haven't had a single arrow pinned on the bullseye. All my shot seems to be either too weak, too far, goes in a different direction, or falls to the ground. 

"Who knew archery was such a hard skill? I was able to do a perfect shot back there at the fire camp, but how come I can't do it again?!" I shouted after taking a sip from the water bag Longshot brought.

"Patience is also one of the virtues in learning archery. For beginners like you, usually, it takes a few minutes to really focus on your aim. Don't rush things. I'm sure you'll get it," he said. 

I looked at him as he drank from his water bag. "How come you're always quiet in the presence of many people?" I asked. He slowly looked down and went silent for a few seconds before he replied. 

"I'm not really a fan of big crowds. Unless it's a group of people I trust," he answered. "I don't speak with anyone easily as well. I only approach those people whom I think I can trust," he continued saying while looking at me this time.

"Well, trust is a mutual thing, and I appreciate that you trust me but, can I also put my trust in you?" I asked. 

As soon as I said that his gaze suddenly changed. Looking into his eyes, I can see that there is something that is bothering him. I feel like there's something he wants to say but he's hesitating to do so. 

He looked away and said, "I don't know." I can see his eyes are full of hesitation.

"How come you don't know? Haha!" I said with a laugh, hoping it would bring up the sullen atmosphere that he seems to have. But he didn't reply and he just continued looking at the ground with his hands clasped towards each other.

I cleared my throat and then I said, "Well, I know of a way how to prove that I can trust you." He slowly looked at me and then he asked, "How?"

"Your name," I answered. He looked at me, confused, that's why I tried to clarify what I meant. 

"I don't think Longshot is your real name," I said. "It must've been some sort of alias, something the freedom fighters thought of calling you," I continued. "For me to know that I can truly trust you, I want to know your birth name," I explained.

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