Chapter 47 - Following Her Scent

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-Aang's Point of View-

"Aang?" Katara called out to me. "The volcano has died down now, and everyone's safe. We should start heading out soon," she continued.

"Okay. I'll meet you guys there," I replied to her. I heard her walk away from where I was sitting. Soon after I followed behind her.

Maya, Katara, and Sokka were all gathered near Appa at the village square. They were chatting and laughing, but the best smile I have ever seen was always Maya's.

They all looked at me as I approached them. "What you did last night was incredible Aang! You should do that more often!" Sokka energetically greeted.

"I'd rather not face volcanoes very often," I shyly replied. "Your plan was great too Sokka. Everyone wouldn't have been safe if it wasn't for you," I continued.

"Nah... We all did our part," he said and then he placed his arm on my shoulders and his other arm on Maya's. 

We suddenly exchanged glances and for some reason, I felt like she was avoiding my gaze.

Did she perhaps hear everything that I said last night? But I made sure she was asleep though.

"I think there's something we need to return," Katara said as she handed me the cloud-reading book.

Right... I almost forgot we 'borrowed' something. 

I took the book from Katara and then we all walked towards Aunt Wu who was standing in front of the podium. 

"Young Avatar, thank you for saving our humble village," Aunt Wu greeted. 

"No problem! But, it wasn't all just me. It was also thanks to my friends and to everyone who helped," I replied. 

She bowed down in front of me and so I did the same.

"By the way, we kind of 'borrowed' your book," I shyly said while handing over the cloud-reading book to her.

Her expression suddenly changed. "So you messed with the clouds, did you?" she snarled. 

I awkwardly smiled at her as was ready to face whatever wrath or punishment she was about to say but instead, she laughed.

"Very clever," she praised. 

"No offense, but I hope this has taught everyone a lesson about not relying too much on fortune-telling," Sokka said to everyone in the crowd.

"But Aunt Wu predicted that the village wouldn't be destroyed and it wasn't! She was right after all," a man from the crowd argued.

Sokka sprinted up to him and stared at him in the eyes. "I hate you..." he said trying to restrain his anger.

Katara walked up to fetch his brother. "It's okay Sokka, let it go..." she said. "We'll go ahead and pack our stuff. Maya, care to join us?" she continued.

"Sure thing!" Maya replied.

The three of them went aboard Appa while I stayed behind. There was something I wanted to ask Aunt Wu.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked the old lady.

"Of course honey," she said with delight.

"You didn't really see love in my fortune, did you? You just told me what I wanted to hear..." 

"I'll tell you a little secret young airbender... Just as you reshaped those clouds, you have the power to shape your own destiny," she answered.

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