Chapter 23 - A Help Is All We Need

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-Maya's Point of View-

It's already the break of dawn. Aang stayed outside to communicate with the spirit while the rest of us stayed inside the town hall looking outside the window. 

I don't know if sending Aang to face an angry spirit was a good idea. I want to trust the Avatar, but he said so himself! He doesn't know anything about handling spirits. We can't always leave things to chance.

"Hello, spirit? Can you hear me? This is the Avatar speaking," Aang said trying to get a response from the spirit. What are you planning to do Aang?

"I'm here to try to help stuff!" he shouted. Why do I have a feeling that things are not going to be okay? Where is that spirit anyway? I thought he arrives at sunset.

"This isn't right, we can't sit here and cower while Aang waits for some monster to show up," Sokka suddenly said. "If anyone can save us, he can," countered the old man. "Well, you are right, but isn't there any way that he wouldn't have to face this alone?" I asked. "We'll just have to trust Aang Maya," Katara answered. I looked at her and then I sighed.

I looked outside the window once more, looking at Aang. Then, after a few minutes, the sun has finally set but still the spirit is nowhere to be seen. 

"The sun has set... Where are you, Hei Bai?!" Aang shouted. When he still got no response, he held out his hand into the air with fingers spread and palm open. "Well uh, spirit... I hereby ask you to please leave this village in peace!" he said and then he swirled his glider overhead and struck the ground with one of its ends.

After what he did, silence filled the air. No spirit, no destruction, or whatever. "Okay? Well, I guess that's settled then." Aang said and then he started walking back towards the town hall. Could it be? Did it really work? No way... it seemed too easy. I don't think it's settled yet. 

And I was right...

When Aang was halfway back to the town hall, from the village's entrance, the spirit appeared out of nowhere.

Holy cheese crackers... That thing is terrifying! It's huge and distorted and... weird.

The monster started walking behind Aang and it continually followed him. He doesn't seem to notice it though, because he kept on walking. "AANG! BEHIND YOU!" I shouted. When Aang heard me, he hurriedly looked around and saw the spirit monster behind him. 

"You must be the Hei Bai spirit? My name is—" Aang wasn't able to finish what he was about to say when the spirit monster spitted out blue light beams from its mouth towards Aang. 

I was very startled by the sound it made while releasing light beams. It was so eerie and uncomfortable! This spirit seriously has problems. 

It continued releasing light beams towards the sky and after that, he went to one of the village's houses. "My name is Aang! I'm the Avatar and I would like to help!" Aang shouted trying to catch the monster's attention, but he was being ignored. "HEY WAIT UP!" Aang called out to it. 

The monster smashed one of the houses and then it teleported in front of another house and smashed it too. It went to the village's tower and knocked it over making it bend before pulverizing it with its light beam.


Aang was trying to catch up with the spirit monster but it kept teleporting around the village. He was having a hard time getting the monster to notice him. 

"The Avatar's methods are-" the middle-aged man said but he was interrupted when flying debris hit the window frame. "Unusual..." he continued. 

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