Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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Chyna sat with Cotton as she watched Anse, Ellison, William, Floyd, and Bill Staton worked the Timber. Cutting down the large tree's on their land. It was ahard and long job taking down such sturdy trees,but the pay was good in these lands. Cotton would have liked to help but Ellison said no to it. Chyna tried her best tokeep him company while she worked on sanding the bark off of some of the wood planks. The Hatfields had own many lands of Timber, it was their source of income, and many sought after their land, and none more so than that of the McCoys, their hatred for the Hatfields also lie in the fact that Anse was smart enough to stop their plans and take some of the Timber lands from them & the Clines. Working the Timber was a rite of passage for any young Hatfield boy and Chyna could understand why Cotton was upset about not being able to work alongside his father and Cousins. Chynawatched the men work,Jim Vance who was trying to cut down a large tree with Bill & Ellison sneered at her as she watched them "what in the hell you lookin' at Nigra!" he barked, Chyna looked at him for a moment before casting her eyes back to the wood she was sanding. She showed him little effect or emotion. She did that will all of the Hatfields, it was always best for her not to show any reaction to the words they say. "Come on Cot, let's go see if Johnse & William got another 'un of them wood piles for us to sand down" Chynacalledstanding up she dusted off her apron. Cotton rose to his feet and followed her as she walked away from Jim.
As she and cotton approached Johnse and William aloud snapping sound could be heard, "look out!""shit!" "move!" and then aloud cry. Chynaran to the two boys Cotton hot on her hills. Johnse stood over William who sat on the ground against a tree his hand clasped over his left eye. Blood seeped through his hand and down his face. "Come on William remove your hand let me see!" Johnse demanded from his brother but William was in shock and gazed past him. Chyna came to a halt next to Johnse "what happened?" she asked out of breath,"I'm not sure, something happened the wood splintered when the three fell I think abranch busted or something..." Johnse said his voice wasn't harsh or chilled over, mainly because he had been scared out of his wits. Chynakneeled down in front of William. She slapped his face hard bringing him out so his daze "listen hear! I need you to remove your hand" she said sternly. She laid her hand on top of his and lifted it away from his eye. Chynagrimaced and placed his hand back over his eye. "It's bad, real bad, someone go get Mister Anse." She said softly Cotton and Johnse looked down at her horrified. She looked up at them, her onyx eyes stern "well don't jus' stand'ere go!" she called shooing them away. Johnse tore off running through the woods.
Chynatook off her apron and tore it into pieces, William watched her. Her hands were strong, very strong, she took her canteen of water and poured into onto one of the squares of cloth and started to wash away the blood from his hand and face. Tossing the bloody rag to the side she took two more squares and layered them together. She gently removed Williams hand away from his eye and placed the Cloth over it,before allowing him to clasp his hand back over the eye. She sighed and sat down next to him. "You gave your brother a near damn heart attack, why the hell ain't you boys workingwith an adult!" she barked. He looked at still in shock but did not reply. She was yelling at him for the sake of Cotton and Johnse,maybe for the sake of Anse and Ellison to, but inside, her own heart was racing a mile a minute. Chyna closed her eyes and sighed calming herself down, as she saw Anse running to them along side Cotton an Johnse,with Ellison trailing behind them. "what happened?"Anse asked kneeling before his son. William under the presence of his father showed more of his fear, he looked like a child again. Anse removed the boys hand and cloth from the eye. "alright it's bad, but you ain't gonnadie from it," Anse said shaking Williams shoulder lightly "hear me you won't die from it" he reassured William nodded as Anse and Ellison got him to his feet and lead him away. "Chyna come, Levicy's gonna need some help with this one, until the Doctor gets here" Ellison called back to them; Johnse looked after his brother as they walked off with frightened eyes still. Chynalaid a hand down on Johnse's shoulder as she walked by "he's fine, you hear your worries, al'rite" Chynasai quickly before following after Anse, Ellison, and William "come on Cot,I can't jus' leave you here, it's not safe" she called, Cotton came running after her.