Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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"Billy will like these won't he Chyna?" Sarah asked as she worked with Chyna and Dawn placing butter cookies and jam biscuits on a towel to cool. "I think he might," Chyna mused rubbing her back which throbbed in a dull ache. "You should go on and lay down," Chastain told her with a frown.
"That fall was bad, you still need to rest." she pushed. Chyna cut her older sister a bothered glance, and Chastain laughed as Chyna's cheeks rounded out like an angry child. "I'm sick an' tired of layin' down," Chyna murmured. "Chyna's not doing nothin' hard, Let her alone, this is fun." Dawn protested. "What dawn said, let her have some fun, she's only gon' and laid in the bed all day," said Sarah, he put her hands on her hips and held her head high, "My ma says that too much rest is bad for the body, a body's gotta move to keep its gumption." Sarah lectured.
Chastain exhaled a slow puff of air as she looked down at Sarah, "Who's grown little girl are you?" she asked baffled. "Levicy Hatfield's" Sarah stated with pride, "Ma says I'm gearin' up to be jus' like her." she added.
With a laugh, Chyna grinned, "She ain't lie about that one." she said. Dawn took the chance to steal a taste of the cookies while ever one distracted. "Don't know who billy's is, but he gon' really like these!" Dawn cheered.
"Dawn!" Chastain gasped, "Those are for Billy!" Sarah cried out. Chyna sat silently in her hair and rubbed the tip of her nose, "I um..." she murmured softly, "Don't be too sour at her, I may have taken one or two myself." Chyna confessed. Picking up a jam biscuit she held it out to Sarah, "It's good to taste so you's will know if it's good or not. Can't give Billy bitter tastin' sweets to cheer 'im up can we?" Chyna tried to reason.
Sarah took the biscuit, "I s'pose not." she murmured. Chastain's eyes thinned, "You're just trying to make yourself look less guilty." She said with a chuckle. "I'll be damned it you aren't just like Daddy." said Chastain. Chyna flashed a weak smile, "mmmhm Mama used to say the same." she giggled.
The door swung open and plumbing footsteps enter the house. Cotton flopped onto the floor and began to remove his boots as they were caked in snow and mud. "It smells real good in here." He commented eyes falling onto the table.
Clint chuckled as he entered in behind him, "Boy can smell good food miles away," he said. "No kidding, Cotton Top smelled those cookies about two miles down the trail." Cap laughed from where he held the door open, letting it close behind him.
"You can't have none, they're for Billy!" Sarah shouted, Cap threw his hands in the air, "He can't eat all them by himself, can he?" Cap questioned glaring playfully at his little sister. Cotton got to his feet and headed for the table "I could, I coulda ate a whole cow by myself when my daddy died." He said, ignoring Sarah's protests and taking the cookie Dawn held out to him.
"Thank you, Dawn." Cotton lulled.
Cap sighed, and removed his gloves, "alright, alright." He caved.
Clint quietly glanced around the cabin, "Where's Clay?" He asked, his voice calm but the panic showed itself in his eyes. "He's fine, Robert E. came by with Sarah and Arvella, He left with the two of them to go get firewood for Billy's Mom." Chastain explained. Clint exhaled, "oh that's good, boy could use a distraction." He murmured.