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When the sun came up,  Cap took to the woods to look for Pardon, he'd been looking for a while but the horse could not be found

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When the sun came up,  Cap took to the woods to look for Pardon, he'd been looking for a while but the horse could not be found. "Looks like we all travel on foot." He said.

Though traveling wounded through snow was a feat, where just the thought was exhuasting. It took a while but within the first hours of that chilly morning, the five of them made it safely to the Hatfields old home.

Chyna and Jon heated some water in the back room while Cap and Clint started the hearth and fireplace. Cap gazed into the fire with a blank stare, he couldn't unsee Floyd's face among the masked men. "Jon, waters warm you can go rinse those wounds properly now." Chyna called. Jon glanced a Cap who had not moved an inch before going to the back.

"He-hey! Look, its Pardon!" Billy cheered as he peeked outside the frosted window. Grazing on grass tuffs beneath the thin layers of snow, was a sturdy black horse.

Chyna peered out the window a smiled lightly. "Isnt that funny." She mused quietly.  Quietly seething Cap had tuned out all sound, watching the flamess dance in the fireplace.  Nothing had ever stuck in his craw, like seeing his own turn on him - hell Floyd had watched him grow.

The whole Hatfield clan stood behind Floyd with a pig mishap and now?

Cap could feel his jaw ache from his grinding teeth.

With the lightness of a moth, Chyna rested a hand on Cap's shoulder.  The warmth of her hand pulled him from his thoughts and he rested his hand over hers. Grasping it he planted a soft kiss on the back of her hand and rubbed it against his cheek.

"We gotta get out of here Chyna." He said slowly. "All of us, you, me, ma, Clint - ev'rybody. They don't like it, then thats to bad. I'll drag us all out of the pit." Cap said with a fitm nod.

Chyna fell silent, and looked at Caps's torn back. "Y-you sure thats best? Alla us? " She asked timidly.    All hope she had of a life were all of his family and the people she would nake her own family coukd get along faded with one familiar face in the firelight.

Cap turned to face her and squinted, "I cant leave 'em in this. Any of them. If you're worried about Uncle Jim - he's just all bark and-"

"Floyd is as feeble as I don't know what, an' look what he done, what he took part in. An as fars we know he don't even especially hate colored folk..." Chyna said treading catefully with her words.

"Floyd was there for me, its different he was trying to save his own hide. You know Ma and Pa, as hard asses as they are wouldn't cause no harm." Cap reasoned.

"And Jim?" Chyna asked.

At her question Cap's gaze wavered. "Jim's all bark. I done already said it" he murmured.

"Really?" Chyna breathed softly, she inched closer to him "an' when his full of shine and whiskey up to his ears. An he barks a lil' too loud, an' them folk who spent half their lives free and equal don't take kindly to all that barkin?" She questioned looking up at Cap who hesitantly met her gaze.

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