Good Bad Spine

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It was late now, Cap had not expected to be kept so long helping his father and Uncles with what needed to be done, the patrolling of the area around the Hatfield's hideouts in the hills took up a small fraction of time

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It was late now, Cap had not expected to be kept so long helping his father and Uncles with what needed to be done, the patrolling of the area around the Hatfield's hideouts in the hills took up a small fraction of time. Most of the hours were spent setting up traps for those who were unwanted. Cap finished covering  a spiked trench with leaves, "Should put some of these up 'round the woods near the cabin back home..." Cap thought to himself. "Might wanna to invest in a hound or two..." he murmured.

"Be a good idea, just - beware of who you get 'em from. They might get the urge to chase your...wife." Anse's voice cracked through the quiet.

Cap froze, "My what now?" He asked, though his voice was calm inside he was shaking. "I don't know why everybody in this family thinks I'm a fool." said Anse, he stood behind Cap lighting his pipe. Cap stood up slowly, wiping his hands clean on the sides of his pants. 

"How? I was careful..." Cap asked, "You let your guard down when you talk to your Ma,  forgot to check the house before you started givin' her a lecture." said Anse. Cap paled at his fathers words and silently cursed himself.

Clearing his throat Cap turned to face Anse. "So now you know, all of it. I didn't want it to be like this but, I'm gladder than hell I don't gotta hide it from you two no more." said Cap.  He matched the hard gaze of his father, watching as Anse puffed on his pipe.

"And you know what you're doing?" Anse asked.

Cap scoffed and flapped his arms in a shrug of mild frustration "I haven't the fuzziest clue, so I'm doing what comes natural, and I don't question it." Cap said with a faint smile, "And that is pushing me farther than I want to be from everyone. I know Chyna ain't welcome here, you tolerate her - alla you 'cept the kids. So I moved her where she'd be welcome, only this whole area hates her and folk like her - so now I'm to take her and my friends to a place that welcomes everyone. I aim to take as many of you too as I can. Part of me wants to peace, while the other doesn't wanna leave. I grew up in these hills, I know these hills. But I won't lose her in them." Cap said.

Anse watched him in silence, then huffed, holding the pipe in place between his teeth he reached into the inner pocket of his coat. Anse pulled out a small stack of bills and started to seperate some. "You can't make it down to the timber much anymore," Anse muttered "that girl of yours will need to see a midwife and a doctor, they'll want extra  either on account'a her being colored," Anse said looking over to his son "or you being white." he added.

"You'll need fabric...she's gon' get big, and it's gonna happen faster than you think, get some have make herself a dress or two for when that happens. " Anse said, he passed Cap the bills he had separated. "Pa, you don't-" Cap started, but his fathers gaze silenced him as  Anse took one for bill and handed it out.

"For the dogs..." Anse said.

Cap quietly took the money from him. "I'll pay you back every penny once all this is over." Cap said. Anse pointed at Cap with his pipe "No, you'll earn it in sweat and blood for this family. Randal and Frank ain't givin' up - it's gonna get worse. This ain't a feud so much as it is a war...and I need you as my top lieutenant." Anse said with a heavy sigh.

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