Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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Clint wasn't saying much, Cap couldn't blame him, he hadn't uttered much of a word that night either. That didn't stop Cotton from trying his best to try and cheer them up. His endless hopefulness only made it harder. Cap wasn't sure how he would tell him if....
Cap shook his head, "not goin' to consider that yet." He thought, slinging his rifle over his shoulder and placing his hat atop his head. Exiting out of his room he paused in step. Clint stood by the door, the two men's eyes locked. "I'm gonna ride out to Pa's and ask him if he'd be willing to help with the search. I know it's a long ain't likely he will. But jus' the two of us and my brother won't be much help if we end up having to look across the river." Cap said.
Clint nodded silently, "Worth a shot." He said. "You don't mind staying here and watching Cotton for the night?" Cap asked. "No, boy sleeps like a rock, won't be no trouble," Clint said. "Thanks, sorry to leave you here I know it's a lot... what's happened." sighed Cap.
Clint waved Cap off and took a seat back at the table where he had helped himself to another pot of soup. "Stop trying to find ways to blame yourself. I know its takin' all I got not to do the same. Will get answers in the mornin." said Clint. Cap exhaled, "right, alright. I'll see ya a bit before dawn." said Cap exiting the cabin.
Cap saddled pardon and gave her a brushing and a treat, the midnight colored horse have a slow huff and pawed at the frozen ground with her hoof. Cap rested his forehead to her neck, "Johnsey's right...I need ot keep my head until we know somethin' for sure." He muttered, "but Jesus it's hard..." he breathed. Pardon whinnied and tossed her head up and down. "yeah, yeah I know it - stop feelin' sorry and get a move on. you're right." cap gave a dry chuckle and gave the horse a pat on the neck.
"Come on." Cap called having gotten onto Pardon's back they headed for his parent's home higher into the hills.
The ride was never too quick, but it felt like a painfully long time before Cap could see the candle lights burning in the windows of his father's home. Seeing the dancing flames glowing he pushed Pardon to gallop faster. Bringing to a halt near the stables Cap hopped from her back and ran for the front door. Knocking so hard the wood rattled and the sound echoed into the night.
"Pa! Pa you awake in there!" Cap called out.
Inside of the large cabin, Levicy and Anse sat up in bed startled. Anse grabbing for his riffle, Levicy rested a hand on his arm. "that Cap?" she questioned hearing the muffled sounds of her son outside. "go on, go on go see what he wants." she spoke quickly shoving Anse out of bed while she grabbed her robe in a flustered panic.
Anse gun in hand ran for the door in his nightclothes trying to pull on a coat. "Pa? who's that outside?" Sarah asked peeking her head over the stairwell, Arvella behind her gave a groggy yawn while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "You need help Pa?" Robert E. questioned, small riffle in hand. "Get back into your room alla ya!" Levicy called in a hushed hiss, holding Elliot in her arms.