Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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Cap got up early with Jim. At the crack of dawn, before even Anse had woken up for the day. Levicy sat in her rocking chair by the fire, rubbing her growing stomach. She wondered if she was getting too old for this yet.
Cap crept down the stairs not wanting to wake his siblings. "Psssst, Ma." He whispered. Levicy looked up at him, beckoning him closer with her hand. "What you need Cap?" She asked. "Well... You an' Chyna carry on pretty well. I was hoping you could keep her tied up for a while?" Cap asked. Levicy gave him a hard stare "sure, how long ya need and why?" She questioned. "Half the day..." Cap muttered. Levicy looked at him for further information "....y-you see me an' Uncle Jim was gon' go and....get Jefferson..." Cap said timidly.
He hated even saying, he wasn't sure how he was going to be able to actually do it. Cap hated the look Chyna had given him the night before and even if it was just catching Jefferson and carting him off to the sheriff, she wasn't gonna like it.
"Nancy will tell her, you know what you're riskin?" Levicy asked him in a slow caution. "I know ma...but this family needs the extra greenbacks. We head for the hills soon. My cabin still needs furnishings and supplies an' as a whole we need ammo and other things." Cap said releasing a long sigh.
"I'm scared to hell 'bout this, but I need to do it. For her and for all of us. An' who knows...maybe I'll get lucky and Nancy will show her true colors." Cap felt like he was rrying to convince himself, not his mother, of all this. "Alright, I can keep her busy for a while, but be back before dusk. You're Pa needs your help movin things." Said Levicy
"Me an' Jim is leavin right now, should get there by 10 hopefully." Cap said, he gave her a kiss on the cheek "thank you, ma." He said the gratitude dripping from his words. Levicy nodded and watched as Cap took a slice of bread from te table and headed out the door.
Jim waited outside for Cap chomping down on his chewing tobacco. "You ready?" He asked Cap with a bored expression. Jim was an old hat at catching people, he was one of The Wildcats durning the war, never actually faught but tracked down Yanks that entered Confederate territory and turned them in, sometimes alive.
Cap wished je could say the calm that was on his uncles face was calming. But it wasn't, it was the same glassy look Jim would get when he spoke of the dark terrible things he'd done in his past. Its what told Cap that no mater what he told himself, what they were doing was wrong, for the first time he felt like an actual crook - on the wrong side of justice.
"But - law says I should turn him in." Cap told himself. The real question in his mind was, did he actually believe himself?
"Miss Levicy? I know you said you needed my help today but I was wonderin if I could go to town for a bit?" Chyna asked. Levicy turned around from making the kids breakfast as Chyna entered through the back door. "I don't. See why not. Take your time." Levicy said as casually ordinary as she could. Chyna blinked, and then blinked again "oh...thanks ma'am. I wont be out to long." Chyna said, taken back, that seemed too easy.