Blacker Berries

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It was a misty morn, Chyna stood outside of her shed of a back house, and gazed up towards the hills, her eyes wandering over the thick trees that looked so beautifully haunting in the mist

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It was a misty morn, Chyna stood outside of her shed of a back house, and gazed up towards the hills, her eyes wandering over the thick trees that looked so beautifully haunting in the mist. She drew in a slow breath and exhaled before walking over to two wooden poles in the ground. Taking along metal thread she commenced to setting up the cloths line. "Would have killed to have own such a hard a'worker as her back when"A Hatfield woman commented walking down the road past Ellison's house and the shed were Chyna was setting upfor the day. She timidly rose her head and bowed it to the lady respectfully with a very small smile "Morning to yaMa'am" Chyna called makingsure not to look the woman in the eyes. The woman merely nodded and continued on her way the man with her none other than Jim Vance who scowled at Chynaa bit she quickly cast her eyes back on her work, filling a large bucket of soapy water to wash some garbing.

The mist faded away as the sun rose higher into the sky, soon Ellison Mounts walked around to the back house having returned from working the Timber. Chyna whipped her hands clean on her skirt as she stood up and bowed her head "Hi there mousier,I wasn't expecting your arrival until late noon, I....I haven't finished every task yet an'" She stated quickly Ellison chuckled a bit and rose his hand "I haven't come back just bringing Cotton back, thought he might be able to replace William" Ellison sighed "not quite ready yet is he" Chynasaid with aslightly sympathetic smile "Not in the least" Ellison sighed "He will be one day, Cottons not a fool Mousier, just a babe" Chynacommented as she spoke Cotton came out of the house and walked around the back a large smile on his face as he took his heavy steps hurriedly over to her. "Chyna, pa said I could spend the day helpin' you out and making sure no one messes with you out here"He said smiling at her A faded smile came to her face "well I thank you kindly sir, I know how much you like it out there with the others in the Timber" Chyna said "Not really I like spending time with you more" Cotton grinned Chyna rested a hand on her heart and nodded with a smile she touched cottons cheek fondly "that's an honor sir" She replied. Ellison watch them with a tender gaze a smirk came to his face as he turned around to headback off to the woods. Chyna sighed and turned back to her work "So Cot, wanna help me hang these here?" Cotton nodded and went to help her with the pile of wet cloths.

"Well good lord above..." Chyna breathed as she looked up from her garden work "if they ain't sent another 'un" She said with amusement as William came trudgingover to Cotton and herself. His hands shoved into his pockets he strolled over to them in a dry uninterested gate. "Ma's driving me crazy fussing in 'an out of the room,I can't sleep Johnsey's out with the timber Iain't got nothing else to do" He ranted in adry way. Chynashook her head and went back to the garden "Hi William" Cotton called "Hey Cotton" He greeted back. "Well pulled up that stool over there and you can sit 'n watch" Chynaspoke. "Not that it's much uh thrill" she tagged on. William pulled up the stool and sat down. "why're you picking all those berries?"Cotton asked Chyna smiled "I was gonna surprise you an' your pa with a pie, miss Levicy too,she's runnin' herself tired" Chynastated "oh"Cotton said almost disappointed as he eyed the sweet looking berries in Chyna's basket, She laughed and grabbed a handful "Here a handful won't hurt nothing" she said. Chyna placed the berries in Cotton's hand "but the pie"He wantedthe berries but pie sounded much better "oh those few won't be missed in it go on they're very ripe"She smiled and went back to picking, Cotton smiled wide and popped a few in his mouth continuing to watch her. "Hey Cotton Top, give me some of them" William called from his seat "nuhuh you ask her for some" Cotton said with asmile He wasn't giving up his snack, William leered at him and then turned his eye to Chyna who had her back to him and was still picking away. William sighed, He'd rather not have to talk to her much. She made him curious and he didn't like that, it wasn't normal. Besides they were different, and their ranking was so far apart he wanted to keep her in her place. But then he wasn't all so sure there was any certain place she should be in. William stopped himself from thinking as once again he was thinking far too much. He got up after a pause and stood behind Chynaand Cotton. Chyna Held her hand out to the side,it was filled with berries. She continued to pick with her free hand. "Are you going to use blueberries and blackberries?" Cotton asked "Mayhap so Cot, not to sure just yet" She replied smiling at him. William looked at Chyna's hand with the berries almost as if he was afraid to take them from her "They aren't bitter master William...." She said taking one she popped it in her mouth "see" she added William slowly sat downnext to her. Chyna was somewhat shocked but being skilled and well trained she didn't show it. William took the berries from her hand and Chyna turned her focus on the garden once more "well damn" William muttered chewing on a berry "these are really sweet" He added. Chyna chuckled "how'd you know which ones to pick Chyna?" Cotton asked watching as she skippedover some and not others. "I'll tell you a secret to berries Cot" she said he leaned in as if waiting to hear the greatest secret "the darker the berry" she said with apause as she picked one and held it out in front of her "The sweeter the fruit, the sweeter the juice"She said eating it. William watched her for a moment before looking away he looked down at his hand and grabbed the darkest berry there and popped it in his mouth. She was right.

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