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Morning came and Chyna made sure she was out of the house before dawn. She was back to picking int he gardens before daylight. On sunrise came Ellison with Cotton behind him. "headed to work Monsieur?"Chyna asked trying her best to make things normal. Whilst Cotton grinned ear to ear, his eyes shifting between his Daddy and Chyna. "yes, was gonna leave Cotton hear with you again," He said with a smile. Chyna stood up and dusted her hands off on her apron before wiping sweat from her brow with t he back of her hand. "right, will be glad to have ya with me again Cotton" Chyna said with a warm smile. Cotton nodded and went to her side.

Ellison gazed at Chyna softly and reached out to touch her face, but Chyna recoiled back at bit, so as his fingers just barely brushed her skin. Ellison smiled and drew his hand back. "well, don't head off up into the woods along you here? Take William with you, I've no doubt that Levicy will be sendin' him your way to get some peace soon" He said with a laugh. Chyna nodded "right" she said and watched as he headed on up the road.

Chyna glances back at the crops and then in spite of herself glanced back up the road, She gasped in a start as Ellison had looked back and waved as he headed to his stables. Chyna exhaled and shook her head "no don't do it, Chyna ain't nothing 'bout it right, not nothin'" She thought to herself.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see Cotton with a smile so big it nearly split his face in half. Chyna raised a brow "ah....Cotton?" she asked slowly "you feel alright?" Cotton grinned larger and Chyna's eyes grew wide. "I suppose that's a yes then?" She asked Cotton giggled and nodded causing Chyna to shake her head and reached into a pocket in her apron "well that's good, come on Cot, I've gotta go harvest some of the Cornstalks" She said leading him away.

Chyna cut down some of the Corn that had ripened earlier than the rest. She would cut them and Cotton would put it in a pile. Chyna was almost amazed at how much Cotton was enjoying the work. She enjoyed because it reminded her of her mother, and the time they had spent together. Hard times or not, nothing can replace laughter and talks shared between a mother and child. Chyna handed Cotton another stalk and he took it from her while whistling a tune "be careful Cotton some of these are heavy" Chyna warned. Cotton shook his head "aw no they're not Chyna" He said as he took it from her and lay it gently in the pile. Chyna giggled, he looked so proud of himself, maybe that's why he looked to be having so much fun. It was giving him a purpose to help out with all this work. And No one would say anything to him. He could whistle and no one would tell him to shut up. He could decide to sit down and rest for a moment and no one would tell him he was in the way. No one was around to call him a mush-head.

Soon down the hill came a familiar face, bandage still over his eye. "Hi! William!" Cotton called out. William rolled his eyes and flinched a little bit at the movement. "damn it" He muttered placing his hand over his covered eye. "still hurt huh? Hello Master William" Chyna said hardly looking up from her work. "only a bit, hi." William said going over to the stalk pile Cotton was building. "Can I help? I'm bored outta my mind, Pa won't let me back to Logging just yet" William said. He was finding it easier and easier to talk with Chyna now.

"Your Pa, has his reasons, you might have scared him silly," Chyna said. Handing Cotton another stalk. "maybe, hey let me cut for a while" William said. Chyna laughed "oh no Sir, this is my job" she said. "you can do what Cotton's doin' an he can take a break" William reasoned "nuhuh I was hear first you can watch" Cotton said Chyna chuckled "come on Cot" William pushed Cotton shook his head "no" He said Chyna laughed and Held out a Cornstalk "well can one of you take this 'un?" She asked Cotton and William glanced at each other and both reached but Cotton got it first. William crossed his arms and huffed "fine Cot" he said. Chyna smiled as she watched William sulk. "well we're almost done here. You can help more with the next task alright?" Chyna offered. William looked off to the side. "alright"

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