Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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A few days had passed, and the Tug Valley was nearing the start of winter. Frost coated the damp ground and the trees. The air was bitting and taking a deep breath seemed to open ones lung up.
Cap wipped the sweat from his brow and looked up at the Cabin. It'd been about four days and the outside was done. He gazed up at it with a big grin. Wasn't much but it was perfect, he felt fuzzy inside just thinking about it. Him and Chyna, in a place where no one could tell them how to feel or how to act.
If he wanted to kiss her, he could. If he wanted to take her by the hand, he could. Nobody could make her feel uncomfortable or frighten her off. He could watch roam around the land, come to and fro from thr cabin to town, fussing over Cotton.
The more Cap thought about it the larger his grin got. Soon theyed be putting the roof on. But for now it was time to wrap up and head down to the Logging mill.
After a long day Cap returned to his home stopping to pick up Chyna and Cotton and head to town. Chyna road behind Cotton on his horse as they followed Jim and Elias. It was risk going into town but Jim was sure it was safe while in packs.
Chyna and Cotton went to seperate when Cap called out for them, "hol' on a minute" he said. Chyna turned to him from a little up the road. Cap took a step forward, "not today" Cap called. He titled his head back towards the Saloon. "Come with us, just until I know aint no one lurking" he said.
Chyna laughed, but Cap wasnt laughing. "Cap...I cant go in there." She said realizing he was serious. "And who's gonna put you out?" Cap asked straightening out his poster to stand a full height. "Your uncle Jim." Chyna muttered. Cap smiled at her and extended his long finges to grasp hers. He pulled her closer.
"Trust me, Jim won't say nothin...well he likely will but. He won't do nothin." Cap said. Chyna gave in "alright but...not long." She sighed. "Great! Lets go!" Cap said with a large grin. He was nearly dragging Chyna. "Aw but I wanted to go see miss Iris and Clint." Cotton pouted poking out his bottom lip as he followed behind them with draging feet.
"Well if you want you can go, Clint will look after ya Cot" Chyna said. Cap froze "no." He said quickly. "Why not? He'd be safer there than with us." Chyna said. "It's on acount of I'm worth 250 dollars" Cotton said with a grin. "Cotton..." Cap sighed hidding his face in his hand "god dammit..." He muttered under this breath.
"250? .....whats Cotton doing with an bounty! He wasnt even...." Chyna said breathlessly she looked to Cap for answers, "who knows Randal was bitter. Maybe he lied to make sure we all suffer." Cap said. "People'll be huntin him now...people working for the folks who took his Pa from 'im? How can anyone see that as justice." Chyna asked.
Her voice was shaky with anxiety and anger. She started to feel woozey and stumbled a bit. She blinked a few time and looked up at Cap in confusion and then around at the town. " Ch-Chyna?" He questioned. "I'm, I'm sorry...I must have..." Her words faded and she swallowed hard "what was that?" She asked herself. For a moment she lost the time between that morning an this moment.