Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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Chyna wiped her forehead and sighed in content. She and Cotton were both getting a bit better than the day before.
She lead Cotton to a large stump and unwrapped the lunch she had made for them.
On queue, down the hill like two hungry strays came Cap and Skunk Hair eyeballing the food being unwrapped.
"come on there's enough for the both of ya. Is the least I can do" Chyna said. Reaching into the basket she pulled out another cloth wrapping and handed it to Skunk Hair. Cap on the other hand just reached in for his.
"best cookin on earth, right here" Cap boasted settling down to eat. A long smile stretched across his face.
"don't let aunt Levicy hear you Cap" Cotton warned.
Skunk Hair chuckled and mumbled something about how long its been since he had home cooked food.
"Chyna pays for herself don't she" Skunk Hair said clearly.
Chyna laughed and shook her head.
Out of the corner of her eyes she could spot Jim, French, and some other workers watching them in disdain.
Chyna turned her eyes away and looked down at her hands feeding herself a cheese biscuit.
"you feelin alright? " Cap asked her, she was doing it again, slipping down smaller by the second.
Looking around Cap found the cause and rolled his eye "you shouldn't be afraid of them" he said.
Chyna looked up at Cap with a perplexed expression "it ain't all of them. Just Jim. He's your uncle Cap you gotta know...he's a killer" Chyna whispered.
At the end of the work day, Cap and Skunk Hair were headed for town and Jim invited himself.
Chyna looked all about, this had been the second day she'd not seen Johnsey at work. It'd been a few days now. And one thing she'd learned was bad things come to all when Johnsey goes missing.
"Say Cotton, why don't you come down with us to the saloon. You're ol'nough now boy to come on down. " Jim said.
Cotton looked to Chyna "I ain't seen much of Chyna lately... I wanna stay out here with her at Skunk Hair's" Cotton said.
Jim frowned " you gotta spend some time with your kin, I know yous soft headed boy but you gotta know that ain't your kin" said Jim with calm venom.
Chyna flinched and Cotton frowned "sure we are - Cap says, he says that folk don't have to be blood to be kin" Cotton said.
Jim turned to look at Cap with a sleepy glare "well ain't that just fine and dandy" Jim said sarcastically. "that eye injury must messed with your head too " said Jim with a chuckle.
Cap rolled his eyes at Jim with a sharp edge of just a hint of warning. Jim clicked his tongue in disapproval as Cap turned his attention to Chyna, who was still looking around.