Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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"Running outta land pretty fast Cap!" Chyna called while Cap reloaded his pistol. He turned to look at thier road to see what looked like a drop off. He exhaled sharply "pull her back! Pull back!" He said quickly. Chyna gave the reigns a hard tug and with a neigh of displeasure Pardon stopped.
Cap and Chyna peered over the edge, it wasn't a cliff but a severely steep hill. It was dotted with trees which had seen better days, many fallen.
"It aint a drop off..." Chyna breathed "shit, damn near..." Cap muttered. Bullets flew over thier heads and they could hear the two bounty hunters catching up. Cap fired more shots but here the trees were so thick their branches got in the way.
Cap checked how many bullets he had left, "three" he muttered. Chyna looked to Cap and then to two of them looked down the bluff. Looking at each other one more time, as if asking each other "whats our odds" and "are you ready".
"We gotcha now Hatfield!" The bounty hunters called. Cap took the reigns and waited to the men to get close, he threw them a smirk "wouldn't count on it." He muttered, clicking his heels into Pardon the horse launched down hill.
Chyna shut her eyes and gripped the mare's mane, Cap grasped Chyna around the waist with one hand and held the reigns with the other. He grinned turned his head up howling "Woooo!" Before laughing. Chyna peeped one eye open, it was a long way down but she felt safe with his arm around her and his heart beat at her back.
Pardon didn't seemed concerned with the steepness or the fallen trees as she navigated her way down. Chyna started to smile and threw her hands up in the air, Cap chuckled and let out a triumphant yowl.
"Jesus" one of the bounty hunters said, slowly exhaling. "Even Hatfield horses is crazy..."
Once they hit flat land Cap halted Pardon and turned around, carefully aiming his pistol up. With three cracks of the gun there was one cry and another. Down came the bounty huntersb toopling down hill. The first body found itself caught in the branches of a downed tree and the other came to a stop just before Pardon's hooves.
Cap turned to Chyna with a pleased grin and mashed his lips to her cheek in an overly excited kiss. He clicked his heels against Pardon and started off, headed towards Johnsey's cabin. The two whooping and hollering all along the way.
Johnsey stepped out of his cabin riffle ready as he could hear yelling in the distance. Part of him feared it would be a mob of angry McCoys coming for his hide. "What on earth is all that god awful noise?" Nancy called from the bed of the one room cabin.
Out of the trees and brush came Cap and Chyna. Johnsey lowered his riffle but found himself confused and hopeful. "All that hollerin outta celebration from your big brothers weddin' day?" Johnsey asked with a smile. Cap rolled his eyes "ya don't you just wish?" Cap chuckled. "That was 'bout us dustin some McCoy hired deadbeats, is what was" Cap bragged.