Fanfiction based on the History Channels Hatfields and McCoys.
[Book is a rough draft - needs heavy editing]
Chyna is a young ex-slave girl, she had been property of the McCoy's but now that the Civil war has ended she is free to go. After another n...
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Chastain, Chyna and Cotton giggled happily while Cotton fixed an assortment of winter foliage to Chastain's hat.
Chastain found it hard not to grow fond of Cotton. "He's like a touch of mercy on earth isnt he? Why I've never met a man I couldn't hate." Chastain said. Chyna smiled with pride "Cotton's made with love in his stitching." She said. Cotton turned to her and smiled.
The front door swung open, Cap shivered and rubbed his hands together. "Its a cold one today, if I had my druthers I'd not step foot back out the door til spring." He said, dropping a deer caracas on the floor and rubbing his hands together once more.
Clint following behind him laughed "crisp air's good for the lungs!" He called, a few foxes hanging from his fists by their tails. "But I wouldn't leave that down on the floor, your missus might not take a liking to that." Clint warned with a chuckle as Chyna frowned.
"Its gonna bleed all over the floor!" Chyna called. Cotton look up from his work on Chastains hat and shook his head at Cap, "you can't do that, you aint no bear Cap - gotta go outside sometimes." He said.
Cap laughed lightly "I wasnt talkin 'bout hibernation, Cotton Top." He said. "Sure sounds like you was." Cotton mummbled.
Chastain would have giggled but her eyes and full attention was on Clint. She slipped her fan from its holster on her hip and snapped it open, faning herself with quick flutters of her wrist.
Chastain got to her feet and stood at Chyna's side "good lord, that is not your average hayseed..." Chastain whispered from behind her fan. Chyna tired to mask a laugh while twisting it into a sneeze.
"Bless you" Clint said, to which Chastain nearly purred "no bless you" quietly under her breath. "Is this?" Cap asked removing his hat while walking towards to two women. He smiled down at Chastain, "you Chyna's sister?" He asked, Cap gave her a warm smile and held out his hand for her to shake "people call me Cap." He said.
Chastain tore her eyes away from Clint and looked down at Cap's hand with a slight grimace. "Best not touch that, you did just flop a dead animal on the ground." Chastain said. Cap looked down at his hand "oh, right - well come on then!" He cheered. Before Chastain could make sense of things she was pulled into a tight bear hug.
"I didnt think Chyna had no family for me to meet, its good to meet" Cap went on, "Chastain..." She muttered while she cringed, eyes stuck on the deer blood on Cap's shoulder. Deer blood that was a frightfully short distance from her face.
"Good to meet you." Cap said again whilst letting her go. Chyna laughed silently to herself as her sister looked up at Cap with mortification riddled on her face. Better still, Cap was too thrilled to notice. He pointed over his shoulder "that there is Clint, he's a real good friend of ours." He said.
Clint gave Chastain a light smile and nodded his head. "Nice meeting you miss Chastain." He said, the sound of his voice cause Chastain to fan herself again. "Pleasures all mine mister Clint." She said.